Are clouded leopards considered big cats?

Clouded leopard lap cat

The question is interesting as you’ll find that different experts have different opinions and there is an added complications as the phrase ‘big cats’ has two meanings. It can mean a large wild cat species or one of the official big cats, those cats that can roar: leopard, jaguar, lion and tiger. For this …

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Video tells you why ‘pet’ caracals are not pets at all

This pet caracal is far too defensively aggressive to be a successful companion and therefore cannot be called a pet in the true sense.

So, you’ve thought about buying an exotic pet cat as you are fascinated by the wild cats. The phrase ‘exotic pet’ includes pet wild cats. Actually ‘pet wild cat’ is an oxymoron as wild cats do not make pets as this video shows. A pet is a domesticated animal that is kept primarily for …

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Are caracals legal in Alabama?

Can you own a caracal in Alabama

Of all the smaller wild cats the caracal is generally more predisposed to accepting the role of human pet! So, can a citizen of Alabama own/possess the medium-sized wild cat called the caracal as an exotic pet? Although Alabama prohibits the personal possession of many exotic animals it does not prohibit the ownership of …

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Are caracals legal in Ohio?

Caracal meowing

This applies to the present (May 29, 2022) but the law can change. Under Ohio statute: Chapter 935. Dangerous Wild Animals and Restricted Snakes, section §935.01 (C)(7)(d) it is illegal for an individual Ohio citizen to possess and own a caracal as they are classified as a dangerous wild animal. However, under section 935.02, …

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Pet caracal dominates and frightens domestic cat (video)

Pet caracal intimidates resident domestic cat and it is unpleasant to see.

For me, this is an example of an unacceptable pet cat arrangement. This is about a Russian living in Russia who has acquired a semi-domesticated caracal, a medium-sized wild cat species and he or she also has a true domestic cat. They live together. He finds it acceptable. I don’t because the caracal is …

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