It is probably fair to say that the Bengal cat is the most adept at escaping from a garden enclosure circumvented by a cat confinement fence of some sort. They are great escape artists. And being a wild cat hybrid they are very athletic. This is their reputation.

And here, in this video, we have a standard wooden fence but along the top of it there are rotating cylinders which is a way of converting a standard fence into a cat confinement fence. As you can see the cats jump up to the rotating cylinders and then have to jump back because they cannot get any purchase or grip on them.
The video is an embedded one from the website. It was originally published on the TikTok platform. Remember, as this is an embedded video it might disappear one day because I can’t control the source which is the website.
Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the “unescapable fence rollers”… or so we thought.
byu/eveilebI incats
But the thing is this: domestic cats are good learners and Bengal cats are just like any other domestic cat in this respect and probably better than average. They eventually learn how to get over this fence by seeking out the weak spots.
The video tells the story. And I can remember reading a story about a Bengal cat being the 1 in 1000 who was able to escape from a British cat confinement fence with a large overhang.
And I have to say that my cat also escaped from the same cat confinement fence. It’s a fence with a wire mesh bottom and the upper half is also a mesh but made of plastic. And my cat climbed up to above halfway and then ate his way through the plastic mesh. He did this after about three or four months of being confined. He had had enough and had figured out a way of getting out.
Since that time, I have given up trying to confine him and he is now an indoor/outdoor cat as he has been for quite a long time.
Domestic cats instinctively need to roam father than a backyard. And I’m referring to the typical size. If the backyard is 10 acres then that will be enough probably for a regular domestic cat but most backyards are much smaller.
And if the domestic cat instinctively wants to roam over about 20 acres or more he or she will need to get over that fence and the Bengal cat is probably the best exponent among the purebred cats to achieve this.
My cat is not a purebred cat but a regular spotted tabby moggy who was born in the wild as a feral cat and subsequently socialised by me. He has retained that wild character. The Bengal cat also retains a little bit of wild character because within them are those wild cat genes from the Asiatic leopard cat.