Why do cats hate closed doors? Infographic explains.

Cat looks up at a closed door

This is a really rapid read to suite those on the move. The infographic below answers the question in the title. The answer applies more to the old-fashioned but still current way of allowing cats outside unsupervised in many countries where they will scent mark their home range. If a cat is indoors full-time …

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Bengal cat is able to escape over a cat confinement fence

Bengal cat gets over a cat confinement fence

It is probably fair to say that the Bengal cat is the most adept at escaping from a garden enclosure circumvented by a cat confinement fence of some sort. They are great escape artists. And being a wild cat hybrid they are very athletic. This is their reputation. And here, in this video, we …

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Why do cats visit other homes and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

Why do cats visit other houses and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

The answer to the question in the title can be found in the domestic cat’s inherited character. Each domestic cat has their own “home range”. This is the territory that they call their space in much the same way that people call their apartment or their house their home. And a domestic cat’s home …

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How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

I think this is quite a complicated question and I’ll try and tell you why. I’m mainly thinking of the full-time indoor cat scenario where there might be half a dozen cats living in the owner’s home. From the cats’ perspective, the house will be divided up into six ‘home ranges’ which overlap in …

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Does feeding a domestic cat blunt their desire to hunt?

Confine your cat to stop him bringing mice into the home

To rephrase the title, you might ask the following question: “Do well-fed domestic cats hunt as much and with the same conviction as cats that aren’t fed?” The best answer that I can find on this topic is from Dr. Jon Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense. He is far more nuanced in his …

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Signs that a cat can’t establish his territory outside their owner’s home

Cats looking out of window might rarely lead to one succumbing to redirected aggression

In a suburban environment where there are houses and backyards (gardens) close together and where there are cat owners, often the backyard of one home is shared by more than one cat as each claims it as part of their home range. In areas of dense home and cat owning families there will be …

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