Cat lion cut – do some cats really like it?

cat lion cut

I am not sure about the cat lion cut. It is quite popular and on occasions is carried out by a veterinarian who may put the cat under a general anaesthetic. That for me is unacceptable because anaesthetics carry risks for cats – unless, of course, it is being done for health reasons such as bad matting. However, it made me wonder whether, on occasions, individual cats may feel more comfortable with a lion cut. Indeed, some individual cats may actively like receiving this haircut. It may feel as pleasurable as being groomed.

The cat lion cut may, in certain circumstances, be a good thing. Let’s look at the circumstances. Some of the summer conditions in the Midwest of America can be very hot indeed. The conditions can be quite demanding. Full-time indoor cats will probably benefit from the ubiquitous air-conditioning. However, there are still many indoor/outdoor cats in America and I presume there are still many homes where there is no air conditioning. A long haired cat living under these conditions could arguably benefit from a lion cut. As I said, though, it will depend upon the individual cat. Many cats will probably dislike the whole process. Indeed, they may be frightened of it. However a visitor made a comment on a page about the lion cut. This is what she said:

My longhaired indoor baby loves her summer lion cut. No hairballs, grooming in high humidity, or getting dusty when she reclines under the furniture to cool off. She get clipped, bathed and her nails done at the groomers every June and purrs happily the entire time (Sharon)

There are other potential benefits to this form of cat hair cut. The obvious one that comes to mind is that it will reduce the possibility of a flea infestation. It will help the cat caretaker to manage better a flea infestation. However, it should not be an easy way out of dealing with cat fleas. Dealing with fleas is far more complicated than simply giving your cat a haircut.

In some instances, a cat’s coat may be unnaturally long due to breeding for a long coat. I’m thinking of the contemporary Persian cat, for example. These cats seem to me to be unsuited to hot summer temperatures and to be outdoors.

cat lion cut cat on wooden floor looking cool
Cool and chilled out with his lion cut! Photo by moohaha

What about the Maine Coon cat? This cat is designed really for cooler climates. The Norwegian Forest Cat lives in Norway a country known to be rather cool. If this cat is transported into a very hot climate is he or she going to be uncomfortable unless the home has air conditioning? Might, on occasions, some people be putting cats designed for cold temperatures in places that are hot which may cause the cat a little bit of discomfort and which may go unnoticed?

I don’t know the answers. I am simply posing a question about how our cat feels when carrying a dense coat of fur designed to keep him warm when in fact the air temperature is already warm or hot. Is there, on occasions, a mismatch between the coat of the cat and the environment in which she lives because the cat is domesticated and being transported out of their natural environment? I’m just asking questions, questions that are rarely asked. The point is, cats hide their discomfort very well. We don’t know if our cat is feeling uncomfortable because her coat is too long for the climate in which she lives.

Photo credit top of page: Photo copyright Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic

28 thoughts on “Cat lion cut – do some cats really like it?”

  1. As a professional groomer, I use low-noise clippers and hairdryer. Our cats love our lion’s cuts! Their demeanor changes for the positive after their clip. If you can read cat body language, you can see how calm, happy, and more energetic cats are afterwards.
    We are so confident in our lion’s cuts and baths, we send videotapes to our customers so they too can see how relaxed cats are after their cut. It’s all about verbal and non-verbal communication with these cats! We love them so much! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. As a professional groomer, I use low-noise clippers and hairdryer. Our cats love our lion’s cuts. Their demeanor changes after their clip. If you know cat body language, one can tell they are very happy and more energetic afterward. We are so confident in our cuts and baths, we send videotapes our customers so they can see relaxed their cats are. It’s all about verbal and non-verbal communication with these cats!

  3. I would never shave my long haired cat unless it was necessary. I have trimmed her fur a little, and use a de-shedding tool to cut down on the fur she ingests that causes constipation. Since she doesn’t cough up hair balls like many cats, the fur stays in the digestive track and is impacted in her feces.

    Switching to raw food has also helped a lot with the constipation issue.

    Since it’s summertime here in California, I cool my cat down two ways. One is with a wet towel, wrung out. I lay it over her, and wipe her down, including her tummy.
    She seems to appreciate it, more than spraying water directly on her.

    The other thing I’ve found that gives her a cool spot to lay on, is gel pad that stays cool without any refrigeration. I bought one for myself many years ago, and recently saw them advertised for pets. The prices are all over the map, but I was able to buy a large one for $20 on EBay. They come in a range of sizes. I saw the same one I got for $20 selling for $70, so it pays to search for best price. There are several brands to choose from, but basically the same material. The one I got is the “cool mat” from Comfort Ease.

  4. Ann, thank you for sharing. I am pleased that you have provided us with one very good reason why a lion cut is sometimes justified and is good for the cat.

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