Cat who accidentally caught a ride from Wilmington to Charlotte has been reunited with his family

This is the happy ending story of a Wilmington, North Carolina ginger kitty who accidentally caught a ride to Charlotte when a neighbor moved back in February and accidentally transported “Cringer.”

cat reunited
Cringer (Eric Brooker)

Eric Booker and his wife were worried about Cringer, their indoor/outdoor kitty. He up and disappeared one day and Eric eventually learned from another neighbor the following day that Cringer had mistakenly taken the cat with him.

To make matters worse, Eric learned Cringer had jumped out of the moving van in Charlotte and disappeared. Eric and his wife drove to Charlotte that night and searched for Cringer. He made repeat visits and even brought along some of his clothes as well as some of Cringer’s toys in an effort to find the lost kitty.

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The lost cat flyer (Eric Brooker)

Not only did Eric and his wife search, they also put up posters and spread the word on social media. Then a miracle occurred. A woman who had seen Cringer on the Nextdoor app contacted him and said she may have found his cat.

Cringer was skin and bones and had walked up to the woman’s home in search of food. Being on his own had cost Cringer dearly. He’d lost between one and two pounds in his struggle to survive.

Eric posted an update on Facebook saying

“Cringer has been found!! After almost exactly 4 weeks and 200 miles away, he walked up to a nice house nearly 1.5 miles (as the crow flies) from where he jumped from the moving truck. Some wonderful people had seen our posts and posters and contacted us with pictures and we knew it was him right away! He has matted fur and lost about 1-2lbs but he’s safely home with us and sleeping like a kitten, eating like a bear!”

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Cringer relaxing with Eric (Eric Brooker)

It pays to use every resource available when a cat goes missing. Microchips play a major role in reuniting pets but poster and social media are also responsible for a lot of happy endings.

Eric and his wife made posters, put up flyers and posted Cringer on various lost and found sites. Hopefully, Cringer will become an ‘indoor only’ kitty after his 200 mile adventure.

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1 thought on “Cat who accidentally caught a ride from Wilmington to Charlotte has been reunited with his family”

  1. Oh my gosh,he looks so much like my late beloved ‘Angus’ pictured,so glad Cringer is back home.

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