Cats Used for Spying by CIA

It is all over the internet. My source is the Sun newspaper. Declassified documents reveal that spy chiefs praised the pioneering work of implanting electronic hardware into domestic cats. It does not look so clever now.

The pictures are thumbnails. Click on them to see a larger version.

The cat was slit open. The chest housed the battery and the transmitter. The tail contained the antenna. The microphone was in the cat’s ear.

A former CIA agent said:

“They slit the cat open, put batteries in him, wired him up.”

“The work done on this problem over the years reflects great credit on the personnel who guided it..” (written by a senior CIA agent I suppose).

Where did they plan to deploy the spy cats? Export them to Russia or what?

The first spy cat was run over during trials. That must have put them off. I am not sure if it was remotely viable in the first place. Cats are independent as we all know.

It shows too that there was no compunction to operating on a cat and inserting all kinds of hardware. Or that is the impression I get.

P.S. I have written about this before, I have discovered. But this time I have some images.

4 thoughts on “Cats Used for Spying by CIA”

  1. It’s been suggested that the cat mentioned above was so miserable after the surgeries that he walked in front of the car on purpose.

  2. If it does happen today, the electronics would be more compact and less invasive for the animal. A bit like kitty-cam collars.

  3. 🙂 I enjoyed that. I think times have changed. Perhaps this story tells us how times have changed. I don’t think it would happen today. I wonder if that is because people are more aware of animal rights.

  4. By the time it was ready to be tested “in the field” it was overweight from staff giving it treats. It waddled (their words) in front of a taxi.

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