Declawing Kittens is 100% Wrong

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Declawing Kittens is totally wrong
Poster by Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Fate decrees that some kittens are adopted by people who will have them declawed.

How can vets justify performing major surgery, the amputation of the kittens last toe joints, at the same time as neutering? This surgery is supposed to be a last resort for serious scratching behaviour, not a convenient way for cat caretakers to protect their furniture!

A kitten recovers quickly from neutering but declawing affects that kitten for life, he never fully recovers. How can he when his very essential parts have been taken away and thrown in the trash?

He will never be able to walk as a cat walks, to exercise as cats need to by digging in their claws to stretch their muscles, to hook a toy with his front paws, to jump safely with his claws to dig in to balance him, to groom his face and head properly, to defend himself from abuse from humans or from dogs. A cat has the right to do all these things and he needs his claws to do them!

It’s a myth that indoor cats don’t need their claws, they do! All cats are born with claws because they NEED CLAWS.

Many declawed cats develop painful arthritis as they grow older, why would anyone want to condemn their cat to that?

It seems like the tide may be slowly turning, some USA vets are giving up declawing and most young newly qualified vets refuse to declaw.

This is good but not good enough. Declawing is banned or considered inhumane and very rarely done, in 39 countries now. It is also banned in 8 Californian Cities.

Cat advocates are fighting for a ban in other cities in the USA and in Canada too. I hope they succeed, I hope one day soon that declawing is banned worldwide.

Associated (just one example chosen at random): Ban cat declawing in Ontario

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