Do coyotes attack bobcats? Yes, according to 3 sources.

Yes, according to 3 reliably sources.

Bobcats share many habitats with other carnivores including coyotes and pumas (mountain lions). According to (1) E.M. Anderson in Bobcat diurnal loafing sites in south-eastern Colorado – 1990 and (2) Koehler and Horncocker in Seasonal resource use among mountain lions, bobcats and coyotes – 1991, pumas and coyotes are known to kill bobcats ‘occasionally’. Do these two predators limit bobcat distribution and density as a consequence? Yes, according several sources. For instance, bobcat numbers declined in upper New York State and Maine when coyotes moved in. And in the western United States bobcat numbers increased when coyotes were extirpated (entirely removed) in that area.

Also, research by Anderson and Lovallo (2003) indicated that coyotes will kill bobcats to remove competition.

Bobcat den in small cave
Bobcat den in small cave. Photo: John Pitcher – Getty Images.

The sources for the information about coyotes affecting bobcat numbers and density are:

Major and Sherbourne in Interspecific relationships of coyotes, bobcats and red foxes in western Maine – 1987.

Litvaitis and Harrison in Bobcat-coyote niche relationships during a period of coyote population increase – 1989.

Diebello, Arthur and Krohn in Food habits of sympatric coyotes – 1990.

G.L. Nunley in Present and historical bobcat populations trends in New Mexico and the West – 1978.

W.B. Robinson in Population changes of carnivores in some coyote-control areas – 1961.

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