Feral Cats Take Over Nativity Scene

Cats and Christmas come together in a beautiful way in this corner of America; Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. Every Christmas for the past ten years, sisters Annette and Sue Amendola have built a nativity scene next to their home on some unused land. The local feral cats found it very cozy, thank you very much. I like to see something that was meant to be just looked at by people, now used and useful for cats. That is an example of the Christmas spirit.

feral cats take over nativity scene
PHOTOS — CREDIT: DNAinfo/Rafael Lopez, Jr.

Street View:

Nativity scene taken over by feral cats


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My thanks to Ruth aka Kattaddorra for spotting this story.

34 thoughts on “Feral Cats Take Over Nativity Scene”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. A sweet story. Never heard before.
    It was that very crowded manger that cracked me up, and I thought about a caption, “Can somebody get that baby out of here?”

  3. I had no idea it was a bad joke. What is happening is not a crime in the USA. Under the law in the UK there may be a case to answer but I even doubt that. It is just morally wrong and exploitation.

  4. I recently joined facebook as you know not got many friends yet but I don’t want anybody who thinks exploiting a disabled cat is Ok 🙁

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