The picture is of 22-year-old Stacey Dick. She lives in Cumbria in the North of England. She starved four cats to death and totally neglected them in every way possible over months. She pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to four cats (she had no choice but to plead guilty). She has been jailed for 18 weeks and banned from owning any animals for 15 years.
She moved out of her home but came back occasionally. There were four cats in the house who simply died of starvation and lack of water. All the cats died of multiple organ failure as a results of food deprivation. They were lying around the house dead. One was on the sofa, dead (see below). Clearly she had totally given up and washed her hands of the cats. She is pathetic. There are no excuses. She is not mentally ill. If she had psychiatric problems the sentence would have reflected it.
But what seems staggering is that the cats appear to have been locked in the house. She abandoned them but appears to have locked them in. It is a staggering example of irresponsibility and utter cruelty of the worst kind and her sentence is nowhere near tough enough but this sort of sentence is probably quite normal by what we see and read for animal cruelty in the UK.
A veterinarian confirmed that the cats had suffered serious neglect over months and therefore the starvation was the final phase of the neglect. Dick’s callousness is apparent in the fact that even after she had found three of her cats dead in the home that she had left but returned to occasionally, she left behind the remaining cat who was just alive at the time to starve to death. That is devastating callousness and reprehensible behaviour of the worst kind.
How can anyone be this cruel? It staggers me.
Source: Mirror Online.
The bitch should have got 18 years not 18weeks.anyone that is capable of doing this should not be part of society.whether your sick,well,broke etc.there is NEVER an excuse to starve any living creature to death.I hope an animal lover shares a cell with her in prison and sorts her right out because as usual the law has let the animals down once again and it’s not good enough.
Yes, the sentence is too light. That is typical of magistrates in respect of animal cruelty. Animals don’t really get justice. Thanks for commenting.
Did she have anything to say about her reason for not doing anything to save them?
What a cruel cruel bitch! Hope she rots in hell!
Me too. Unforgivable behavior. It would have been very easy to have saved their lives.
I’m a messy person…but would have rather died myself. Than allow any harm or neglect of my fur angel when he was alive.
A messy place doesn’t mean you’re heartless or lack compassion. I want to do more than starve her. I’d like to give her a daily beating for what she did. Another person … with a light sentence. DISGUSTING!!!! The law (everywhere) need to crack down…lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, seizure of property if you have it, bans of owning or being near animals..and for the likes of her. A daily thumping….just because!!!
The poor neglected cat with the calico spots and fluffy
tail looks like my precious [Zoe ] maine coon.
The Orange one in the chair is like another male tabby I raised and cared for who lived almost 16-years named Samson.
I cried over these images.Nothing else to do.
This youngster must have seen this sort of severe neglect and abuse growing up ? How else could she have just walked away and why did she lock them in ?