Hill’s Prescription dry cat food is as expensive as steak

For some time, I have realised that Hill’s Prescription® dry cat food is as expensive as steak in the UK. In the image I present two examples from Amazon. Sometimes Hill’s is more expensive than steak and it is certainly more expensive than rump steak.

Hills Prescription dry cat food is as expensive as steak
Hills Prescription dry cat food is as expensive as steak

More: Chemical composition of effective dry cat food attractant, palatability enhancer

It is far too expensive. I feel strongly that Hill’s is ripping off cat caregivers. They are exploiting cat caregiver’s love of their companion and desire to do the best for them by ensuring that their prices are as high as is possible. That’s my allegation. I don’t know their thinking or MO. I just feel that it is ridiculous that dry cat food is as expensive as a decent steak from a good supermarket.

These prices place good cat caregivers in an invidious position. For many it means that they eat less well in terms of cost than their cats. Okay, you say. Why not? But it’s wrong.

If dry cat food cost the same as human food on a kg-by-kg comparison that’s okay as cats are of equal value to humans but it should not cost the same as expensive human food.

And I am sure that most cat caregivers think that cat food is relatively cheap and affordable. Often it is not if you analyse the cost kg-by-kg. What I mean is compare the prices not by item but by price per weight.

And what is ironic is that Hill’s sell the idea that their products are vet approved and therefore very supportive of feline health.

I am sure that lots of cat owners forgo some niceties both in food and entertainment to ensure that their cat is well cared for. Fine again but decent cat caregivers should not be placed in this difficult position.

The price problem pressures many cat owners to buy cheap dry cat food which positively is not good enough in my view as a sole diet. And yet I sense that lots of people only feed their cats cheap dry cat food because of the cost and convenience.

This, I also allege, can lead to feline health issues especially when combined with a boring full-time indoor life without proper mental stimulation. Indoor cats are a trend mainly because the owner does not have to worry about their cat being harmed outside. They don’t keep them inside full-time to protect wildlife.

They might say they do but in truth protecting wildlife is not uppermost in the minds of most cat caregivers.

It is about convenience and cheap dry food is convenient. What I would also allege is that Hill’s is driving people to be less good cat caregivers. Not in a major way but they are contributing to a lowering of standards by pricing themselves out of a significant part of the cat ownership market.

Separately, in the UK, veterinary fees have become exorbitant and I also allege and sense that some vet clinics are ripping off customers. Once again, they leverage the emotional connection between animal companion and caregiver.

In the UK vet prices are being investigated by the CMA. The vets don’t like it. And there’s a background attitude change in the UK. Social values have changed. They’ve lowered. There is a desire to make more money with less effort. There are unrealistic expectations. And big business has become greedy.

All these things place an extra financial burden on cat owners and Britons generally. There may be similar things happening in other countries.

More: Doctor says feeding dry cat food is abuse and raw beef recently thawed is great. Vets would disagree.

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