8 cat owning responsibilities and their cost. Infographic.

This is a 2-page infographic. At the base of the first one is a link to the second (costs). I am often reminded of the cost of looking after a domestic cat. And with inflationary pressures on all fronts including cat caregiving these costs can bite sometimes. Of course, it depends on disposable income …

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A failure of some pet owners to recognise the intrinsic value and sentience of their companion animals

Vet and cat

My title to this article stems from a story in The Telegraph newspaper of yesterday which reports on a male veterinarian who ended his life because, in part, he was so distressed about a minority of relatively wealthy owners requesting that he euthanize their companion animals rather than treat them because the treatment would …

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RSPCA Barrow paints a picture of a broken human-to-cat relationship

Can you afford to care for your cat to a high standard? Are you pressed financially to do it?

I’ve just been surfing the Internet and bumped into a story about the RSPCA in Barrow, UK. This is Barrow-in-Furness which is just south of the Lake District National Park. It’s in the north of England and there is a slightly different culture in the north compared to the south in general and it …

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Hill’s Prescription dry cat food is as expensive as steak

Hills Prescription dry cat food is as expensive as steak

For some time, I have realised that Hill’s Prescription® dry cat food is as expensive as steak in the UK. In the image I present two examples from Amazon. Sometimes Hill’s is more expensive than steak and it is certainly more expensive than rump steak. More: Chemical composition of effective dry cat food attractant, …

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Retired, stroke-victim cleaner relies on Blue Cross pet food bank to manage

84-year-old retired cleaner with her two kittens. This is a fictional depiction of Gwen, the lady in the story.

This is a lovely example of: Gwen, 84, from Bicester, Oxfordshire, UK, retired from her full-time job as a cleaner at a local school four years ago. She is recovering from a stroke. She has a limited budget which is being squeezed in the UK in various ways including what was inflation until recently …

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First strike at a UK private veterinary practice

1% pay rise is a pay cut for vet workers at Valley Vets in south Wales owned by VetPartners

NEWS AND VIEWS: This is the first strike that has ever occurred according to the union ‘Unite’ at a UK private veterinary practice and it is a consequence, allegedly, of greed by the private equity-owned operator: VetPartners, which owns the vet practice called Valley Vets in south Wales. This is an extension of a …

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