How do you get rid of ringworm in humans?

If you own a domestic cat you might get ringworm from him/her. It is highly contagious and zoonotic (cat to human). Shelter cats can get ringworm very easily. If you adopt a shelter cat with the disease it is likely that you will acquire it. Unless it is pronounced it is hard to see on a cat.

How do you get rid of ringworm in humans?
Photo and words: Michael Broad

I have personal experience in this matter as I acquired ringworm from my mother’s rescue cat. I adopted her cat when my mother died.

My doctor prescribed a topical antifungal cream. This is a generic cream for various skin conditions. It worked but very, very slowly. In fact, it hardly worked at all.

I bought a UV-B lamp in order to cure another minor fungal skin condition that I had, and used this lamp on the ringworm on my leg. I applied four sessions of 30 seconds each which is not much. The ring worm disappeared completely after this very short treatment. The inflamed ring of skin dried up and the flaky skin disappeared. You acquire a slight sun tan too! Warning: be cautious and don’t overdo it. Stick to very short sessions and build up if needs be.

I can wholeheartedly recommend a UV-B home treatment lamp to cure ringworm. The one I have is a Dermfix handheld lamp bought on Amazon. It is not cheap but highly effective.

Ringworm on person's arm
Photo: Al Reheem Homoeopathic clinic. This photo is taken from Facebook.

Do doctors recommend a UV-B lamp?

If you have other skin conditions then this will quite probably fix them. Of course you should see your GP but judging by the results on the Internet doctors don’t recommend a UV-B lamp to cure ringworm. The top search result in Google recommends: a topical antifungal, to let the ringworm breathe, to wash your bedding daily, to change wet underwear and socks, to use an antifungal cream and take a prescription antifungal. Not a sign of UV-B lamps.

I urge people to try one of these lamps; you may be happily surprised. Ringworm tends to come back and is hard to eradicate completely. This short quick and easy treatment can keep it at bay.

3 thoughts on “How do you get rid of ringworm in humans?”

  1. I think the old ones burned you more easily. The one I have is very efficient but you have to be careful with it. It beats all creams for fungal skin conditions. I discovered this because the sun cures fungal infections too.

  2. That’s very interesting that there is no mention of it. Never forget there is profit in fairly useless creams!

    I remember, as a chid, the “sun lamp” cure for all sorts of skin things. The school nurse had a lamp locked away and once a week there would a queue of shivery eight year olds outside her room.

    I shudder to think what rays that big old, humming, chrome lamp gave out. I am sure modern lamps are much advanced.

    Thank you for sharing this success.

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