I have a dozen varieties of cat food. Do you?

Cats prefer a variety of cat foods
Photo: Rikki’s Refuge

Variety is the spice of life. For domestic cats I believe this saying is very applicable concerning their food. My experience tells me that cats can get bored with one sort of food and if they have “gone off” one brand/type of food, withholding that for a while and reintroducing it pays dividends.

How concerned are cat guardians are about food variety? It is easy to stock a wide range. I am sure that individual cats have individual tastes and some might be content sticking to a fairly narrow range of foods. However, I don’t believe it is good enough to buy one bag of dry cat food and rely on that in perpetuity.

If I add in the odd human food treat I can probably say that my cat eats about 20 different types of cat food. It is apportioned: 85% high quality wet in pouches, 10% dry for grazing and 5% human food treats. The last one could be 10% some days.

Do you know your cat’s favorite cat food? If you do, how many sorts of cat food did you try before deciding? If you know his favorite cat food do you know when he last ate it?

I know I am asking slightly impertinent questions but it may help. When you do provide variety you have to keep tabs a little bit on what was served up when. J’ai un restaurant, chez moi.

Some cat food pages (searh results on PoC)

17 thoughts on “I have a dozen varieties of cat food. Do you?”

  1. I’m a bit jealous too 😉 . She applies imagination to her cats’ diets. Harvey Harrison (a regular contributor) who lives in N. Cyprus with superb Turkish Angora and Van cats (the same cat actually) feeds a raw diet mixed with dry cat food for balance. His cats are impressive.

  2. Haha yes the ‘beef’. There must be surplus piles in the UK and the U.S.
    All mass produced cat food smells the same to me. Only difference is in expensive premium ones, which don’t contain all the horrid smelly bad ingredients, which are more pleasant smelling.

  3. Gosh such lucky kitties. It’s like the best restaurant in the the best land. They must lick their lips in anticipation.
    Organisation of military precision, you should be very proud! So far I just separate the rabbit ones out from the multi boxes for ‘later on’.

  4. I’ve had a lot of waste too. Somehow chucking it out into the garden makes me feel better if the vermin or birds can then get it.

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