Indoor house cats have died of bird flu. How did they get it? How to prevent it? INFOGRAPHIC.

Well, I have summarized some information about the possible transmission of bird flu to domestic cats in an infographic as I think it is a nice way to present this kind of info.

A point worth making, I believe, is that a lot has been written about bird flu (H5N1) on the internet and how it can be transmitted to domestic cats which might leave the impression that it is widespread and a danger because thanks to Covid-19 we are more sensitive – perhaps over-sensitive – to the dangers of zoonotic diseases (those that can spread from animals to humans and vice versa).

I don’t believe we should be overly concerned. News media online does tend to rely on clickbait headlines to get hits to their sites which can irresponsibly hype-up news stories.

Indoor house cats have died of bird flu. How did they get it? by Michael Broad

More: Can domestic cats get avian flu?

The spread of this disease to full-time indoor cats might have occurred on farms. We don’t right now. But the wider point is that cats which live their entire lives inside their caregiver’s home can contract viral infections and parasitic infestations when you’d think it was all but impossible.

Take fleas for instance. People can bring them into the home as can dogs. Although there is no evidence of it as far as I am aware, it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that during the Covid pandemic cat caregivers gave the disease to their cat companions who passed it on to guests at the home.

Can avian flu be transmitted via the air?

Yes, avian flu, also known as avian influenza, can be transmitted through the air, but the specifics depend on the strain of the virus. Avian flu viruses are typically spread among birds via direct contact with respiratory secretions, feces, or contaminated environments. However, certain strains of avian flu, particularly the highly pathogenic ones, can become airborne, meaning they can spread through inhalation of aerosolized droplets from infected birds.

Airborne transmission in birds: Infected birds can release the virus into the air through respiratory droplets, and these droplets can be inhaled by other birds, leading to infection. This is a significant mode of transmission in poultry farms where birds are kept in close quarters.

Airborne transmission to humans: While avian flu primarily affects birds, some strains, like H5N1 and H7N9, have been known to infect humans. In rare cases, the virus can be transmitted from birds to humans through the air, particularly in environments with high exposure to infected birds, such as live bird markets or poultry farms. However, human-to-human airborne transmission is rare and typically occurs only in specific circumstances.

Source: ChatGPT

The fact that avian flu can be transmitted in the air as occurred with Covid makes it more transmittable. Some disease require more direct contact such as a transference of feces such as for FIP (non-zoonotic).

More: Avian flu killed 12 Texas farm cats in four days after getting the disease from cattle

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