Infographic on why cats have nine lives

Why does a cat have nine lives? Infographic.

Dr Morris, Britain’s famous zoologist, author and artist provided us with a very straightforward explanation on why cats have nine lives in 1986, and here it is in an infographic. The only weakness in the explanation is that no one has the faintest idea what a ‘trinity of trinities’ is. (❁´◡`❁). Well they try …

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Is killing prey a learned behaviour for cats? Infographic.

Is actually killing prey a learned behaviour for cats?

The answer to the question in the title is in the infographic. It is that predation behaviour is, as expected, inherited but it needs to be polished up with some training from their mother and a kitten’s keen observational skills and ability to learn from watching. It is how they learn to open doors …

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What PETA really stands for. Infographic.

What PETA really stands for. Infographic.

This is an attempt to summarise in an infographic what PETA stands for based on their literature given to me. I wholly support PETA. I believe that there are a lot of misconceptions expressed on the internet about PETA by well-intentioned people who may have got the wrong end of the stick. And I …

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Behavioral enrichment protects elderly dogs against dementia. Infographic.

Teach an old dog new tricks to protect against dementia. Infographic

I have converted a text article reporting on this study by researchers from the universities of Kentucky and California (published in The Journal of Neuroscience) into an infographic so that it can be read very quickly without the need to wade through technical terminology. The basic finding probably confirms what many dog owners and …

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9 rules of happiness in an infographic

Rules of happiness in an infographic

We are not meant to be happy all the time. Nature did not make us that way. Happiness and contentment needs to be measured against unhappiness. We should not regard being depressed as an illness as it is normal unless clinical as diagnosed by a good professional. And being happy requires effort and self-discipline; …

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Interspecies friendships are charming and instructive. Infographic.

Interspecies friendships are charming and instructive

Well, here is another infographic by me on an important topic: interspecies friendships. Because we tend to anthropomorphise our cats and dogs, we sometimes forget that we are in an interspecies friendship; an incredibly successful one but with some dire failures, sadly, due to human error. We can do better. When we look at …

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