8 elderly cat behaviours in an infographic

It seems to me that domestic cats are living longer just like their caregivers. Fifteen years of age used to be good and now it is commonplace. This means more demands on caregivers in respect of caring for an elderly cat. Of course, the chances of having to face health issues increases as is …

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13 cat parasites listed in descending order of prevalence. Infographic.

Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) are the most prevalent parasite in domestic cats due to a combination of biological resilience, environmental factors, and their ability to spread easily. Here’s why they top the list: 1. High Reproductive Rate 2. Hardy and Adaptive Lifecycle 3. Multiple Modes of Transmission 4. Year-Round Survival 5. Widespread Presence of Intermediate …

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Cohabitee split. Agreement on who gets the cat? Infographic.

Recommended: an agreement should be in place on who gets what when cohabitees (non-married) split up. Below the infographic is a draft agreement as a good starting point. It is not that big a deal but it provides peace of mind about something that might happen in the future. It is good for the …

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Arguments against reintroducing lynx into Scotland. Infographic.

Personally, I like the idea of reintroducing the lynx into Scotland (I would 😎😻). The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) was part of Scotland’s wildlife until it was driven to extinction around 1,000 to 1,500 years ago. The main causes of its disappearance were deforestation, which reduced its forested habitat, and overhunting, both of the …

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Why human facial expressions are much more developed than those of domestic cats. Infographic.

Human facial expressions are significantly more obvious than those of domestic cats due to several key biological, evolutionary, and social factors: 1. Evolutionary Adaptations for Communication 2. Facial Musculature Differences 3. Domestication Effects 4. Role of Vocalization vs. Expression 5. Eyebrow Movement & Whites of the Eyes (Sclera Visibility) Conclusion: Human facial expressions evolved …

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