Well, here is another infographic by me on an important topic: interspecies friendships. Because we tend to anthropomorphise our cats and dogs, we sometimes forget that we are in an interspecies friendship; an incredibly successful one but with some dire failures, sadly, due to human error. We can do better.
When we look at the stupid and damaging intolerance by one race of humans of another, we should observe the interspecies friendship between a wild deer and a domestic cat or a stable cat and a horse and remind ourselves that we must do better in the interests of all humankind.
Humans have enough problems with impending WW3 (thanks to Putin) and global warming (thanks to human excesses) to make the intolerance of fellow humans of a different race seem completely ridiculous and of course highly immoral and unethical. What is the matter with us?

RELATED: Click this link to see a range of interspecies relationships/friendships which should charm you.