Is the domestic cat an invasive species?

by Michael

The domestic cat as an invasive species? Balderdash - Photo by Eran Finkle (Flickr)

The domestic cat as an invasive species? Balderdash - Photo by Eran Finkle (Flickr)

I challenge the assessment that the domestic cat is an invasive species. The respected IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) says it is. They work in association with the Species Survival Commission to assess and advise on the Invasive Species Specialist Group ( In short a large number of specialists (7,500 volunteer experts) have decided that the domestic and feral cat is an invasive species - one of the worst.

They define "invasive species" as “animals, plants or other organisms introduced by man into places out of their natural range of distribution, where they become established and disperse, generating a negative impact on the local ecosystem and species.”

This article is a critique of the assessment. They make a number of errors on their page listing the cat as an invasive species, which indicates that so called experts are often not expert at all. I guess we know that.

First on the website they bundle together domestic and feral cats. I think that is a bad idea as many millions of domestic cats in the USA live indoors permanently and these cats cannot fall within the above definition as they cannot have a negative impact or indeed any impact on the local ecosystem.

Secondly they say that "Felis catus was domesticated in the eastern Mediterranean c. 3000 years ago". Felis cats was not domesticated. Felis silvestris catus is the scientific name of the domestic cat. The wild cat Felis silvestris was domesticated. And current information points to the fact that it happened first 9,500 years ago.

Thirdly, ISSG says "Felis catus is a small animal in the wild (up to 5kg, but more commonly 1.5 -3.0kg) but may be considerably heavier when domesticated." I presume by this that they mean that the feral cat is smaller than the domestic cat. They say therefore that the feral cat commonly weighs 3.3 to 6.6 pounds or in-between those figures at less than 5 pounds. This is incorrect in my view. Feral cats have similar weights to domestic cats unless the domestic cat is obese.

ISSG admit that they do not have hard data on the impact of domestic or feral cats in respect of their impact on native species. They say "However, unambiguous evidence of cats causing a decline in a prey species is difficult to find as other factors, such as other predator species, may also be involved in the decline (Dickman 1996)." In other words the feral cat might not have a negative impact on local species. In fact it is conceivable that the cat may have a beneficial impact by reducing other so called invasive species that are clearly detrimental to the environment such as rats. This precludes the cat from being an invasive species.

Also it is by pure chance that the wild cat was domesticated in the Mediterranean. Indeed there may be undiscovered evidence to suggest that the wildcat was domesticated in other areas. That would make it native to those areas and not introduced "by man".

The act of domestication of the wildcat is not an act that falls within the phrase "introduced by man".

I also question the whole concept of invasive species. We devised the concept. And we do the introducing. If we willingly introduce animals to areas where they have not evolved naturally we have no right to blame the species and then to try and destroy the species. The ISSG should be suggesting ways to stop the introductions.

In respect of the cat, it has provided so much in the way of benefit to countless millions of people. To brand the domestic cat an invasive species that needs to be eradicated is ridiculous.

I therefore challenge the assessment that the domestic cat is an invasive species. In general, there is no hard evidence to suggest that it meets the definition.

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Is the domestic cat an invasive species?

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Sep 21, 2011
No they are not !
by: Ruth

I agree, domestic cats are no more an invasive species than any other living creatures, including us humans.
What is wrong with cat haters that they try to find any reason at all to spread their hatred and try to convince others they are right to !
No one hates domestic dogs with such passion, but of course dogs are yes men, cats are much more intelligent and discerning and maybe that frightens cat haters because it makes them feel inferior.
Cats can't say 'Oh how I hate being a cat, I wish I was a different sort of creature'
They are like us and like all other species too, they have no choice what they are born as.

Why oh why can't everyone on this planet just live and let live !!!!

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Sep 21, 2011
by: Barbara

Of course such "studies" as these fall nicely into the hands of cat haters who would blame cats for every bird that falls from the sky and use it as an excuse to incite hatred of cats. In my opinion cats are no more or less flawed than humans, they take what they want, sometimes for food and sometimes just for the pleasure of it. I think cats have as much right to the world as humans do. And I also think some of these experts need to get a proper job and keep their daft ideas to themselves.

Sep 21, 2011
Love those cats feral and domestic
by: Diane

I think mankind holds the distinction of being the most destructive, wasteful, cruel, greedy species. I will spend my time with a cat any day and trust the cat in a way I would never trust a human.

24 thoughts on “Is the domestic cat an invasive species?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Emily would you rather be over run with rodents than cats doing what they were born to do? Would you rather have another plague? Cats have a purpose in life, which is more than some people do (not saying you personally) just the trolls who come here to try to upset cat lovers!

  3. Hi D.C. what I am doing essentially is to query and challenge the idea of invasive species and to bring humans into the equation and why not?

    When people talk about invasive species they exclude themselves and I have never understood that because we are a species of animal.

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