

by Sarah Tomlinson
(South Yorkshire, UK.)

We got Lily from a rescue centre when she was 7 weeks old. She was with 3 littermates who were black and white, grey and then what I believed were two black kittens.

I picked Lily because she was very fluffy. I thought she was black until I got her home. She is chocolate two-toned, being lighter nearer her skin.

She is obsessed with our bath and will spend a lot of time in there. I think she has even been tempted to jump in when we are in the shower.

She is very affectionate and grooms me everyday and night!

She has such a lovely temperament and is a little squeaker and purrer!!!


York Chocolate cat

Lily has turned into a beautiful young cat. She continues to be very affectionate and loves to groom me. She now has an obsession with pipe cleaners and hair bobbles that she will bring to you and drop at your feet for you to keep throwing!!!


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Aug 09, 2011
Like my Alfie
by: Leah

What a little darling!
She looks like she knows whats what!
She looks just like my Alf when he was a baby
Thanks for sharing

Jul 20, 2011
Lovely Lily
by: sarah tomlinson

Thanks for the lovely comments.

Lily has tufts between her toes and has a tail the length of her body, we call it a squirrel tail as it's so bushy! That or a duster!SATIRE
She has longer hair on tops of legs and short on bottoms.


Jul 20, 2011
Playing in the Bath
by: Susan

I got a kitten to from rescue, 1 month ago & my Lady loves it in the empty dry bath I put a couple of small balls in there & she plays & plays even if u scrunch up some paper or foil they can carry that my Kitten bites the foil & carrys it into the bath & plays it keeps her happy & safe as she is always up something.

Jul 20, 2011
by: Ruth

Hello Sarah, what a beautiful kitten Lily is and a little character too by the sound of her.
I love the photos, she reminds me of our very first kitten 'Kitty' I brought home from the vets where I worked 37 years ago. She brought with her a lifetime of fun and pleasure in her company.
We are not quite neighbours Michael, of the Yorkshires, County Durham is next to North Yorkshire, but as the crow flies not that far off anyway.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jul 19, 2011
Lily...Maine Coon Mix?
by: Gail (Boston, USA)

Hi Sarah,

Your beautiful Lily looks like she may have a little bit of Maine Coon cat in her. Judging by your photos, it looks like she's got tufting protruding from her ears as well as on her ear tips. It also looks like she's got the typical "snoeshoe" tufts protruding between her little toes. With her two-toned chocolate fur, her penchant for playing in water, obsession with water and her various squeaks, purrs and affection, she does sound like she just may have a bit of MCC. What do you think Michael?

Whatever she is, she is certainly a beauty! Enjoy!

Jul 19, 2011
So adorable!
by: Brandy

I can tell you got a good kitty there 🙂

Jul 19, 2011
by: Michael

She looks lovely. Lovely Lilly! It is nice to hear from Yorkshire in England. One of our most loyal and spirited contributors to this website comes from your area - Ruth.

Thanks for sharing.

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