Local residents believe that a lost cat $1500 reward is a scam

The reward for this lost cat is high enough to make some people think that it’s some sort of scam. Is a $1,500 reward for tips leading to the recovery of a lost cat so high that people shouldn’t believe it?

It is an interesting thought. The amount of money that a cat owner puts up as a reward to help find their lost cat depends upon (a) how much money they have and (b) how important the cat is to them.

If a cat owner has lots of money then $1,500 isn’t that much if we put things into perspective. Cats are family members. They are close companions to their owner. They mean a lot to their owner; far more than many other “possessions”. You can’t call a cat a possession but the law does.

In this instance, Grant Hanford, lost his tabby-and-white cat. He put up posters with a £1,500 dollar reward. He lives in Washington Heights, New Jersey.

Hanford, who is an oil and gas professional, says that his cat, Tiger, is a really good cat (i.e. worth the reward). He sees nothing unusual in the size of his reward. Some people speculated that it was a scam. It is neither a scam nor a joke.

“Lots of leads and calls from folks but have not found him yet.” (as at May 30 — I wonder whether he has now found his cat?)

The fact he received lots of leads tells us the reward caught the attention of local residents which is its purpose.

Hanford lived with his cat in an apartment complex. Tiger went missing on March 3rd. I am a little disappointed that the online newspapers do not provide us with a follow-up article to tell us whether Mr Handford has successfully recovered his. It’s been a long time.

Source: Chron.com

4 thoughts on “Local residents believe that a lost cat $1500 reward is a scam”

  1. Me too! It does baffle me as well. But perhaps people think that he offered a very high reward in order to get lots of tipoffs without intending to actually pay the reward. In other words the high reward is bait without the backup.

  2. Nor me! But people are suspicious about anything. Goes to show how distrusting the world has become. Perhaps they think he’d get plenty tip offs because the reward is high but not pay the reward.

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