Psychic trailing in domestic cats. Infographic.

Some people believe that domestic cats are bestowed with ‘psychic trailing’ (‘psi trailing’) meaning the ability to use extra sensory perception (ESP) to find their way home when for example their owner moves home and their cat returns to their old home or they’ve become lost. There is no firm science to support psychic …

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Woman offers $10,000 reward for the safe return of her F1 Savannah cat

$10k reward for return of F1 Savannah cat

This story tells us a lot about ‘exotic pets’ including F1 Savannah cats. The video is useful as it tells us a bit about the owner. She’s lost her F1 Savannah, Mika, when he “ran out the of the house Tuesday March 5th in the Casa Loma area”. This is in Toronto, Canada. He …

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The most vulnerable time for a domestic cat is when their owner is away on holiday

Nema Benati and here Chinchilla Persian, Bartolo, who was lost while Nema was on holiday and Bartolo was with family

This is a little note about the vulnerability of domestic cats when their owner goes away on holiday. A cat detective, Said Beid, in Italy who is currently searching for a chinchilla Persian who lives with a social media influencer, Nima Benati, said that he is busiest when cat owners go away on holiday …

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Does a pet microchip prove legal ownership?

Bob the cat is all over the news!

The details on a microchip inserted into a cat or dog do not prove unquestionably that the person stated in those details is the legal owner of the dog or cat concerned. Although, the details provide good evidence that the owner is as stated in the microchip details. To stress, though, they are not …

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