Maine Coon 1

There is a different Maine Coon breed standard for the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) and The International Cat Association (TICA). The CFA like ’em polished and pretty and TICA likes ’em natural and feral . I describe the important parts of breed standard (but not all of it) over the next 4 pages with Helmi’s photographs “to hand” to allow an understanding of the standard. I have found it a little hard to get a clear picture of how the standard translates into a Maine Coon cat without a picture of the cat to look at the same time. Note: I do not quote the standard verbatim as Google may think I am copying and penalize me. The breed standard is in my words with my comments, but is in front of me at all times.

The CFA start the breed standard by saying that this breed was originally a working cat (a mouser) and is solid and able to endure a harsh climate. That sets the scene. The CFA also give the most points to the coat (20 points). I like that start as both aspects are highly relevant. TICA start by saying that the cat should have a balanced appearance and the various elements of the cat should be in proportion. >>>>>>to next page>>>>>)

maine coon cat

2 thoughts on “Maine Coon 1”

  1. Hi Nancy, in response to your questions these are my answers:

    1. “Do they have names for that type?” – No. You will find that the MC will look slightly different if registered with TICA or CFA etc. But the breed standard should be the same across all associations in the USA. The MC will vary in appearance because breeding is not a science. Find a breeder that suits you. Make sure they are damn good though!

    2. Please don’t declaw. For me it is cruel. Find ways to deal with a cat’s claws nicely. I have never been scratched in 20+ years of having cats. A cat’s claws should not be a problem to a responsible cat caretaker.

    3. MCs don’t dribble unless they are ill.

    4. Daily, gentle and loving grooming will be liked by a cat. It helps all round. You’ll like it too. Never force grooming. Always gentle.

    5. MCs are not great lap cats as far as I remember. They are, though, a wonderful domestic cat. I’ll do a page on lap cats in the next 24 hours. But cats like Siamese are lapcats.

  2. I’m new to Maine Coon’s and am considering a purchase and like the ones with a fuller, rounder face with a lot of fur. Is this a certain type? Do they have names for that type?

    Also, is it a good thing to declaw since it would be a house cat?

    Dribbling a problem? I wouldn’t plan on showing the cat but would like to able to get it groomed if necessary-do you recommend that?

    I’d brush it often to keep it looking nice and not mat.

    I’d appreciate any info regarding Maine Coon’s that would be helpful for me to make my decision. My cat died 2 yrs ago and we haven’t considered getting another til now. We had her 16 yrs. I want a loving, lap type cat. Boy or girl preferred? Don’t want the cat spraying, would have it fixed.

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