Members of the Clayton, North Carolina fire department performed an usual rescue on Thursday after being dispatched to an animal rescue call involving a cat with it’s head stuck in an empty pasta can after a driver spotted the feline in distress.

CFD posted photos and details of the rescue on their Facebook page Thursday
Are your kitten me!? On Thursday, December 12th, just after 1:00pm, CFD was dispatched to an animal rescue, involving a “cat’s head stuck in a Chef Boyardee can”. Our 911 center stated a driver passing by found the cat, but couldn’t quite get the can off the cat’s head.
Our Rescue 1 arrived and the cat-loving crew was able to quickly cut the can away from the cat’s head, using tin-snips. The cat was OK, is likely still savoring its spaghetti-o flavored whiskers, and joined its other feline friends in the adjacent yard!
I like to write a short article about unusual ways a cat or dog can get itself into trouble because there are SO many things we don’t think about as pet parents. An empty can should be added to the list of dangers. I read of a dog awhile back suffocating after its head became stuck in a potato chip bag the owner had thrown in the trash.
Our thanks go out to the firefighters who quickly responded to the call and knew what to do to save the kitty. I’ve written dozens of articles on unusual pet dangers and added them to my Pinterest account. Click here to view them.