Community cat underwent “TNR” after getting his head stuck in a dryer vent mount

cat stuck in vent mount

A Las Vegas, Nevada free roaming community cat is back in his ‘outdoor home’ after a very strange entrapment that required help from animal rescuers. The cat somehow got his head stuck in a dryer vent mount. Now he’s another successful TNR (trap-neuter-return) tale. The Animal Foundation, Nevada’s largest animal shelter and pet adoption …

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South Wales cat recovering at home after being rescued from a brick wall

cat rescued from wall

A South Wales cat is recovering at home after being rescued by firefighters from a brick wall. Fire crews from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service were contacted Monday to assist in the rescue of a cat in the Vale of Glamorgan who had become trapped in a 7cm (three-inch) gap in the garage …

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Massachusetts fire department called to Cape Cod home to rescue cat stuck in a wall

cat stuck in wall

A Massachusetts fire department was called to a home on Thursday to perform what they described as a ‘technical rescue involving patience’ after a curious cat named Phoebe found herself stuck inside the void space of a wall at a Hyannis, Cape Cod home. The owners had done their best to lure Phoebe out …

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NC cat rescued by fire department after getting it’s head stuck in an empty pasta can

firefighters rescue cat

Members of the Clayton, North Carolina fire department performed an usual rescue on Thursday after being dispatched to an animal rescue call involving a cat with it’s head stuck in an empty pasta can after a driver spotted the feline in distress. CFD posted photos and details of the rescue on their Facebook page …

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Bridgeport Fire Department rescues cat who got its head stuck in a hole in the rear of a freezer

cat rescued

Members of the Bridgeport, Connecticut Fire Department performed an unusual cat rescue Saturday after receiving a cat in distress call. It was reported on their Facebook page Monday that a call came in about a cat who got its head stuck in a hole in the rear of a freezer. Members of Rescue 5 …

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