Peace With Cats Around

Having lived with cats for 40 years now, there is no comparison to living with dogs as we did in our younger days and I would never want to do that again. Cats are such very peaceful creatures, also so very fascinating, I could just sit all day and watch our two and never get bored. Every sound a cat makes is beautiful to me, a meow, purr, even the yowl of an un-neutered tom cat sounds like a snatch of opera to my ears.

Peace with cats compared to dogs
Poster by Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Babz and I were talking to a neighbour at our gate recently and we were telling her about the torture of living between two houses with two noisy dogs in each. The barking and howling was driving us mad! I remarked that we shouldn’t have to listen to them day after day, sometimes at night too, why should we have to suffer from their choice of pet! All the time we were chatting, dogs were barking near and far, there must be countless people pestered by the noise from neighbours dogs. Do they not get on their owners nerves too? Surely they must!

To have dogs you should have time to give them, take them for walks and train them, why do people who don’t want or haven’t the time to do that, get dogs at all?

The neighbour we were talking to said ’It’s easy to see that you two don’t like dogs’. But she was wrong! We don’t dislike dogs at all, in fact we love them, but nowhere near as much as cats.

Later I got to thinking about the noises animals make and how a dog’s noise is the most aggravating, stressful noise of all. I don’t know of any other creature who goes on as much as a dog.

Some people say cats are a nuisance, well maybe the ones whose caretakers don’t really care and look after them properly can be, but I’d say dogs are a hundred times more of a nuisance than any cat. The constant noise of a dog can ruin a person’s quality of life.

Our situation has eased a bit as one side neighbour has moved with his two dogs, we hope and pray we get someone in there without dogs next! The other side two yappy terriers are not only a nuisance barking but one jumps snarling at the dividing fence too. Thankfully it’s a good strong, high, new fence and it doesn’t bother our cats at all, they know they are safe, no dogs run loose in our street. But why should we have to accept that we can’t go into our own garden in peace?

Why were dogs designed with such loud and irritating voices they like to use constantly? OK if there’s something to bark at, but most just bark for the sake of it and all you get for complaining is ‘Well dogs do bark’

Thinking about other animal noises, a cow’s moo, a horse’s neigh, a sheep’s baaa, etc, are all very pleasant noises, I think. So who on earth designed dogs to have the ugly noises they make!

Ruth aka Kattaddorra

45 thoughts on “Peace With Cats Around”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thank you, too sister. Its my duty as a muslim to take care and accept them as I want to accept my self in this world. The welfare is the main task and due to lack of many facilities , I am just bound to my limits, otherwise the world should see a new theory and ideas about cat welfare specially FERAL CATS. I have many in my mind but…. waiting for the positive BEST for them. <3 thanks again. 🙂

  3. I want to thank you deeply, Ahsan, for all you do for ferals.
    It’s all very important to me.
    The obstacles that you face humble me when I may complain about some of mine.

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