I think this is a really nice photograph of two Bahraini Dilmun cats. It has a nice evocative feel to it. You can get a feeling for the warm sun of Bahrain and the friendship of the two cats who are head butting each other.
The one of the right is also feeling the pillar with her tail. I think she an unspayed (intact) female Bahraini Dilmun cat.
As at April 2011, Bahrain is going through a revolution following on from those that took place in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya (on going).
I hope these rare cats are safe amongst the repressive violence perpetrated against the people by their government. These are street cats that are feral or semi-feral. They are not yet a breed of cat.
You can read much more on this page: Bahraini Dilmun Cat. You can also read what the photographer, Kathrin Stucki, says about this rare and special cat. Kathrin breeds Savannah cats amongst other things with her husband, Martin.