Putin has a pet. He’s called Nigel.

Putin has a pet. He’s called Nigel. After Nick Newman, cartoonist.
Putin has a pet. He’s called Nigel. After Nick Newman, cartoonist.
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The image is a modified recreation of a Nick Newman image made for The Times newspaper yesterday. If you are not British you might not get the joke which is that Nigel Farage, the head of the Reform party (right-wing), has been accused of being a Putin apologist and appeaser because he admires Putin’s political savvy and Farage says that NATO gave Putin an excuse to invade Ukraine.

To be fair to Farage, he dislikes Putin and hates that he invaded Ukraine but Putin is no doubt delighted and Farage has hinted that he wants to be the Prime Minister! Putin will be even more delighted to hear that. No chance, it seems to me but Farage thinks that his party might do very well in the General Election.

Farage also wants a peace deal rather than fighting it out to a win for either side. Putin wants a peace deal but on terms entirely unacceptable to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s leader.

If Farage become a Member of Parliament (for Clacton) he might defect to the Conservatives and then challenge to become the Prime Minister! 😉😎 I think we are in fantasy land, aren’t we?

The dog in the picture was a gift from Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, the leader of Turkmenistan.

I’ll let the Washington Post take over:

With cameras flashing, the Turkmen president turned to the Russian leader. “We have a common friend,” Berdymukhammedov told Putin, according to the New York Times. “This is the world’s unique alabai dog. And today I brought this little alabai with me.” The president then hoisted up a mottled puppy of the rare breed also known as the central Asian shepherd.

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