Google “cat people smarter than dog people” and you see lots of search results referring to a study which says that…yep, you’ve guessed: cat people are smarter than dog people. This means there are more smart people who are cat guardians than dog guardians. Side note: men who like and look after a cat are smarter than average. This is not just about smart, independent woman 🙂 .
Why should this be? You have to think about it for a little while if you want to come up with your own ideas.

There is probably more than one reason. One possibility is that smart people work harder because they are more in demand in the workplace and/or they are more ambitious. If they’d like to look after a “pet” they’d be more likely to own a cat because cats are regarded as less demanding and requiring less “maintenance”. Although that concept is slighty incorrect to be honest. Cats need more input from their owners than some owners believe. Anyway that is one reason.
What if one reason is that smart people prefer the cat’s character and/or appearance? If so why?

I think that smart, confident people prefer companions who are not needy but more interesting and independent – the cat. The cat is more of a challenge than a dog and when you get close to a cat there is a tremendous bond which arguably goes deeper than with a dog.
Often people choose pets who are like themselves. You see this in the similar appearance of dogs and their owners.
Smart people are more inclined to be independent minded. They are more likely to reject the status quo. They challenge conventions and act on their own volition and not necessary follow the crowd. Those character traits are similar to those of the domestic cat.
I think this is it, actually. Smart people in general prefer cats because the domestic cat is like them in a cat way. There is a similarity in basic traits. The cat forges his/her own path. Smart people tend to do the same.
Smart people may also prefer the appearance of the cat over the dog. In general, the cat is more elegant and smaller. The cat is less threatening.
The smart person is more cerebral. A cerebral person is inclined to make decisions using intelligence and cold, hard facts, instead of emotions. You can see the similarity to the domestic cat (compared to the dog).
Harvey Harrison, a respected visitor and contributor, has to this say on the matter:
“My observation is that many people who prefer dogs do so in order to compensate for deficiencies in their personal life. At home or at work they may feel they do not count for much but with a dog they are commander-in-chief. They have a slobbering lackey which obeys their every command which situation inflates their depleted ego. . A cat will not do for a person who needs that kind of therapy. A human-cat relationship is at a totally different level and does not have elements of command, domination, or submission., A successful bright person does not need that to compensate for his deficiencies in that way.”
I agree.
Oviously I am generalising. You have to because there are many smart people who like dogs too or just dogs.
These are my instant thoughts. I could be wrong. Do you have an idea why smart people prefer cats?
Hi Harvey. Many thanks for thoughts on this. I will cut and paste a part of your comment into the article. Hope u are well.
My observation is that many people who prefer dogs do so in order to compensate for deficiencies in their personal life. At home or at work they may feel they do not count for much but with a dog they are commander-in-chief. They have a slobbering lackey which obeys their every command which situation inflates their depleted ego. . A cat will not do for a person who needs that kind of therapy. A human-cat relationship is at a totally different level and does not have elements of command, domination, or submission., A successful bright person does not need that to compensate for his deficiencies in that way. Dog owners seem to be blithely unaware that round the clock barking is very stressful on neighbours who have every right to rest and relaxation in their own home. This lack of respect and consideration leads to many problems. I used to live in Costa Rica where i soon found out the meaning of the description “Land of barking dogs”. Every house has at least one usually several dogs which create an intolerable 24 hours racket. They all say they have dogs to warn them of thieves but when asked how they put up with the non-stop barking they answer ” Oh we get used to it. We don’t pay any attention” Yes, they really say that. The contradiction obviously evades them. I have to conclude that many dog people are not very bright.
I have similar thoughts on this, but you basically nailed it Michael.