Reason why pet and human parents should buy organic foods. INFOGRAPHIC.

As far as I am concerned, this is a very important topic. All parents of pets and kids should be fully aware of the hidden dangers of herbicide chemicals in the food that they eat and give their pets and kids to eat. There are so many in products and around the home. We can’t see them and as the human is so visually-orientated, if we can’t see things we tend to think that they don’t exist.

Reason why pet and human parents should buy organic foods. Infographic. by Michael Broad

The link in the infographic takes you to a fairly comprehensive discussion I had with an AI chatbot, ChatGPT, which takes its information from an extensive and rapid internet search. It is a good summary of the hidden and serious dangers of these herbicides which are apparently extensively used in America and perhaps less so in Europe as Americans like deregulation while countries like France like regulations as they think it is a sign of a sophisticated culture.

I have never been a great fan of organic foods because like many others I have read stories about them which have put me off. How reliable is a certificate that claims the food that you are buying is organic? Some people think that organic food is a money-making scam.

But after studying the information on the toxicity of these herbicides and how they appear to be harming an extraordinarily high percentage of children in the study I believe that pet and human parents should discard their skepticism about organic foods and take the plunge and buy it if they can afford it.

It does come down to cost ultimately but when the downside is so dramatically awful as found in the study referred to, I think the extra cost is justified.

A major issue here is that parents are not going to know if their kids are being developmentally damaged by these herbicides. They’ll just think that their kids have mental health problems and/or are a bit stupid. Bad luck. Pure chance. Genetics. But NO. It might not be that.

There are so many ways kids and cats can be poisoned by chemicals in food and in products around the home. It is actually quite shocking.

I have only got to know about these poisons through writing for this site for 17 years. I wouldn’t know about them otherwise.

Click on the following link to see a list of articles on toxic chemicals affecting cats and humans: toxic to cats (opens in a new window).

Gluten-free bread is less likely to be polluted by these chemicals. Correct?

Yes, gluten-free bread is generally less likely to be polluted by herbicides like glyphosate and 2,4-D. This is primarily because gluten-free breads are typically made from alternative grains or starches that are less likely to be treated with these herbicides compared to conventional wheat. Here’s why:

Why Gluten-Free Bread May Have Fewer Herbicide Residues:

  1. Avoidance of Conventional Wheat:
    • Glyphosate is often used on wheat crops as a pre-harvest desiccant (a drying agent) to speed up the harvesting process. Gluten-free breads do not contain wheat, so they are less likely to contain glyphosate residues for this reason.
  2. Alternative Grains and Ingredients:
    • Gluten-free bread is usually made with rice flour, almond flour, tapioca starch, corn flour, potato starch, or buckwheat. These crops are generally less reliant on glyphosate or 2,4-D for weed control, although some, like corn, can still be treated with herbicides.
  3. Lower Pesticide Application in Some Gluten-Free Ingredients:
    • Crops like rice, potatoes, and almonds are not typically treated with glyphosate in the same way that wheat or oats are. This reduces the likelihood of contamination.
  4. Organic and Specialty Gluten-Free Products:
    • Many gluten-free bread producers cater to health-conscious consumers and are more likely to use organic ingredients or market their products as glyphosate-free. Organic certification, in particular, prohibits the use of synthetic herbicides like glyphosate and 2,4-D.


  1. Corn-Based Products:
    • If the gluten-free bread contains corn as a major ingredient, it could still be exposed to herbicides, as corn is a major crop that is often sprayed with glyphosate (especially if it’s genetically modified).
  2. Pesticide Drift and Cross-Contamination:
    • Even alternative crops may be contaminated due to pesticide drift from nearby conventional farms or during processing and storage.
  3. Non-Organic Ingredients:
    • Gluten-free does not always mean organic or herbicide-free. If the gluten-free bread is not certified organic, some of its ingredients may still be grown using conventional farming methods that involve synthetic herbicides.

Choosing the Best Gluten-Free Bread:

To ensure that your gluten-free bread is less likely to contain herbicide residues:

  1. Look for Organic Certification:
    • Certified organic products are free from synthetic herbicides like glyphosate and 2,4-D.
  2. Seek Glyphosate-Free Labels:
    • Some brands specifically test their products for glyphosate and label them as glyphosate-free.
  3. Research Ingredients:
    • Choose breads made with ingredients like almond flour, coconut flour, or quinoa flour, which are less likely to be exposed to herbicides.


While gluten-free bread is generally less likely to be contaminated by glyphosate and 2,4-D than conventional bread, the level of contamination depends on the farming practices used for its ingredients. For the cleanest options, choose organic and glyphosate-free certified products, and avoid those with conventional corn or soy ingredients.

I eat gluten-free bread, not to avoid these chemicals although that’s a nice side-effect, to avoid internal inflammation as I believe that I am slightly allergic to gluten. It is a precaution and we should all do all we can to maximize our health in old age.

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