Russian British Shorthair Cat

by Ridolina
(Moscow, Russia)

Ch. Bars Ridolina BRIa

Ch. Bars Ridolina BRIa

Ch. Bars Ridolina BRIa Ch. Bars Ridolina BRIa Ch. Bars Ridolina BRIa Ch. Bars Ridolina BRIa

I love the British Shorthair! I love them for their beauty, charm, strength and grace. They have a wonderful temperament and are self-sufficient.

Their thick plush coat is simply mesmerizing. The are special cats. The Brit SH is muscular and compact with a massive round head, a bull's neck, fat cheeks, large round eyes... Sweet buns!

I love you!


Hi... thanks for visiting again. I changed the title because I am interested in the difference between your cats and the Brit SHs that I have met.

I have met and played with the British Shorthair over about 20 days when I visited Helmi Flick in the USA. She has two British Shorthair cats, Sky and Nox.

The coat is amazingly plush. They were very quiet and had a silent voice.

What I have noticed in your photographs, is that the American British Shorthair looks different to the Russian British Shorthair if the cat that you are showing me is typical of Russian British Shorthairs.

Improved image quality of photo above. Although the color balance is too blue it seems to me.

One noticeable difference is the cheeks. Your cat has very large cheeks. They look a little bit exaggerated. You mention them in your short article. Is this part of the breed standard in Russia?

The facial appearance of the American Brit SH appears to be slightly more square with a slightly flatter face that is less rounded. The US Brit SH has a face that is slightly flat. It is rather bony.

Please tell me why there is a difference. Are your cats typical of Russian British Shorthairs?

Here is a picture of A USA Brit SH by Helmi Flick:

Photo copyright Helmi Flick of a blue British Shorthair photographed in the United States. His name is "Earl Grey" after the tea.

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Russian British Shorthair Cat

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Nov 28, 2011
Variety of rock types in the British breed of cats disturbing for many.
by: Ridolina

Thank you for your comment. You raised a very interesting topic. Variety of rock types in the British breed of cats disturbing for many. Earl Grey - a girl or a boy? The huge cheeks and head of a large size - it's sex characteristics inherent in this boys. In girls, different proportions. Flat face - a legacy of the Persian or exotic cats. Although mating with them long ago banned but continue to manifest themselves in the offspring. Typical of a British cat for my Russian? I think - no. Look at my pedigree producers Their ancestors - cats in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.

Nov 28, 2011
My cat - purebred British Shorthair.
by: Ridolina

Grahame, if your half-breed Russian Blue was so similar to the British cat, so he went to his British ancestors. My cat - purebred British Shorthair. You can see his pedigree here As you can see, it has all the ancestors of the British Shorthair from nurseries in Germany and Holland. I think you know that in the early 19th century, it is the authors of breed (breeders UK) was performed crossing British cats to Persian and Russian Blue. This is evident in the pedigrees of those years in the same database of pedigrees.

Nov 28, 2011
No, it's full-blooded British male.
by: Ridolina

No, it's full-blooded British male. His pedigree can be found here By the way, Russian Blue breed of British rock poured by the authors themselves - the British. You can verify this by looking at pedigrees ancestors of 1920th years. Then they began to carry out breeding of Persian cats. I do not see your photo mestizo (British Russian Blue). My guess is that he looked like a British cat, but this means only one thing that your cat has inherited features of British ancestors, and not Russian Blue. Hence, the similarity with my cat. But this does not mean that my cat is not purebred British Shorthair, the more so because he is a Russian blue cat.

Nov 28, 2011
Variety of rock types in the British breed of cats disturbing for many.
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comment. You raised a very interesting topic. Variety of rock types in the British breed of cats disturbing for many. Earl Grey - a girl or a boy? The huge cheeks and head of a large size - it's sex characteristics inherent in this boys. In girls, different proportions. Flat face - a legacy of the Persian or exotic cats. Although mating with them long ago banned but continue to manifest themselves in the offspring. Typical of a British cat for my Russian? I think - no. Look at my pedigree producers Their ancestors - cats in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.

Nov 28, 2011
Is this same as Russian Blue pedigreed cat?
by: Grahame

Years ago I had he distinict pleasure of living with a Russian Blue pedigreed cat we had purchased. Regular readers of POC may recall that I prefer moggies, but this Russian Blue was something else!

The cattery would not send him to us unless one of their cat nannies flew with him in the aircraft cabin. He came in his own basket, swaddled in a blue baby's blanket. He had thick plush fur, a darling conformation of head, and, if I correctly recall, a tendency to cobbiness. He was a gorgeous and wonderful cat companion. Very playful, too.

Is the pure-bred Russian blue distinct to the Russian Brittish Shorthair being discussed here?

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