by Elisa Black
Druid at stonehenge - Stonehenge, England, has special significance to Druids - photo by Christopher_Hawkins
Satanism (noun): The worship of Satan characterized by a travesty of the Christian rites
I would first like to stress that there is no link between the true Satanic cults and those who practice the Wiccan religion and witches. This is a common misconception and is false.
The ritual of the satanic cults and the sacrificing of black cats can be traced back to the ancient druid priests from 2000 years ago, and even the Christian religion. It began by druid priests gathering around a bonfire at night with the citizens of the village and offering animal sacrifices to Samhein - the lord of the dead. The priests convinced the villagers the cats were responsible for everything from bad weather to shorter days to being a vessel to evil spirits. This ceremony was performed on the day before the Celtic new year (October 31). The first ceremonies began by sacrificing animals in general. In later years the cat was the animal of choice for these rituals. The acceptance that cats were evil was no great feat given the history and superstitions involving cats. This religion morphed into the satanism we know today.
The irony of this historical information is that all of this may be true or none of this may be true. There is a lot of information on the internet and this is a good reference. This site also offers information on the refusal to adopt out solid black cats close to Halloween. The article also discusses how ANY color or cat should be protected against the kidnappings/adoption of animals (DOGS INCLUDED) which seem to begin as early as August. I urge EVERYONE out there who is a pet owner to read this article. If you think these cults do not practice in your area you're going through life with blinders on. There is no "good part of town" logic used here. Anywhere is vulnerable.
My opinion on everything listed here is quite simple. I believe most of it. To this day there are many private sects for both good and evil in which initiations, ceremonies and member identity are kept secret. No one outside of the group knows the inner knowledge of the sect. To share information to a family member or friend is a grave violation and may be punished by banning said member. Worse punishments may also be enforced.
Years ago I heard firsthand of a Church of God minister who had the courage to confront groups of these cult members during an animal ritual. As recently as a year ago I heard (also from a Church of God minister) how many Church of God congregations pick the site to build a church. I am basing these final paragraphs on the information I learned from these men. I consider them as cat rescuers because they have risked their lives not only for their religious views but as a rescuer of cats meant for sacrifice.
The satanic cults tend to have 4 cults in an area representing east, west, north and south. The Church of God also attempt to cover the 4 poles with God, keeping the satanic members at bay and protecting the town. A classic struggle for good against evil is still being fought in big cities and rural towns in America. I cannot speak for the rest of the world.
I learned enough to stay far away from these cults as their members include highly respected citizens. Some may be reading this now and want to know who I am and where I am. Rest assured I am only reporting facts that can mostly be verified using the internet. As for any other information I assure you I can keep a secret and am no threat to anyone.
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