This is the cat tale of Baloo, a sneaky tabby and white kitty who recently made an unplanned trip from Dartmouth to Montreal when his ‘mom’ accidentally shipped him toward an address in Calgary.

It all started on December 7 when Jacqueline Lake packed a box on 18-inch rims for her friend’s Cadillac to go out by courier truck. Jacqueline remembers when she got to Purolator one of the boxes weighed 10 pounds more than it was supposed to but she didn’t think anything was wrong.
The next morning when Baloo didn’t accompany Jacqueline to the bathroom she knew something was wrong. Like many of us, the kitty had to be in the bathroom with his favorite person. Jacqueline and her 15-year-old son searched from morning to night looking for their lost cat. Even Baloo’s brother Bagheera joined in the search.
Flyers were posted around the neighborhood last Sunday. Still, no word on Baloo being found.
Jaqueline said in an interview with The Chronicle Herald
“We got up early mornings, searched late nights, we were just constantly looking for our cat. He was going to all of Baloo’s hiding spots, calling for him and just going to the door and sitting by the door. He wanted his brother back.”
On Monday Jacqueline got a call from a very upset lady at the Montreal branch for Purolator asking for a list of items shipped.
“She asked what I had shipped, so I start listing off the rims and what not and she goes, ‘So you didn’t ship a cat?’ and I lost my mind.“I was so scared he was dead, my knees hit the ground.”
Baloo had made himself comfortable inside one of the rims and never made a sound. No one knew he was there. Now he’s being spoiled by the Montreal SPCA, who was contacted when the stowaway cat was found.
Just to be on the safe side, the Montreal SPCA microchipped him in case the mischievous kitty decides to take another road trip. He’s being treated like a king while in their care.

Animal rescue transport organization Freedom Driers will be driving Baloo back home on Saturday or Sunday.
Jacqueline says her kids will never live down shipping off their cat and warned her to stay away from Bagherra because he ‘wasn’t going anywhere.’
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Baloo, he is one lucky cat!
Anyone else find the fact he ended up in ‘Purolator’ amusing?
Maybe it is pronounced differently?
I bet Baloo is definately a purr-o-lator now he is safe! 😺