NOTE: this is not an advertisement! I don’t get paid for this…I am just trying to help. IMPORTANT: EYES MUST BE PROTECTED FROM THE UV LIGHT and I am not a vet. I am just passing on information from personal experiences. Please read the postscript at the base of the article. Thanks.
People ask how to cure ringworm in humans. Humans can get ringworm from their cat, and domestic cats can quite often get ringworm. It can be hard to see on a cat. But if you pet your cat as you almost certainly do, you are almost certain to pick up the ringworm. It is highly contagious and zoonotic (transferable between animals and people). In animal shelters, ringworm can present a real problem because of its highly contagious nature.
Ringworm may be evident on your legs, for example, if your cat rubs against your legs when you’re not wearing trousers. I remember a person, a young man, whose neck was covered in ringworm because his cat snuggled up to him (see below).

And another example on the arm:

Using ointments and topical creams it can take months and months, in my experience, to get rid of ringworm on your legs.
A far more efficient method to cure yourself of ringworm that you have picked up from your cat is to use UVB home phototherapy for skin disorders such as psoriasis.
In my case, I picked up ringworm from both a stray cat who I fed and my mother’s cat who I adopted on her death. I used creams prescribed by my doctor and they worked but they worked extremely slowly and hardly at all.
I then bought, from Amazon, a home phototherapy handheld device using ultraviolet light treatment both for the ringworm and another skin fungus that troubled me.
After three, 30 second treatments on my leg, the ringworm disappeared. At first the skin becomes drier and flaky and then the flakes disappeared and then the ringworm disappeared. It didn’t come back.
So, in the title to this article when I say you can cure your ringworm in 90 seconds treatment, I am being totally honest and it is based upon personal experience. Of course, it may take longer depending on a range of circumstances but it’s still the best treatment as far as I am concerned. Nothing else comes close and the doctors don’t tell you.
I would urge you to try this treatment. The machines can be quite expensive and that may put some people off. I would hope that you could purchase one for something in the order of a hundred dollars or a bit more if you are in America.
If you live in the UK then the price will be the UK pound equivalent. Don’t buy the expensive models as you don’t need them.
P.S. The cat’s fur might get in the way but the fur around ringworm is often lost. Secondly, PROTECT THE EYES FROM THE UV LIGHT.
I feel that I need to write a little bit more about this having reflected on it a little while later. There are two potential problems with this technique which I think is highly successful. Firstly, the ringworm has to be visible. This may be possible by parting the fur gently and then applying the UVB light at close range (2 inches). But as mentioned UVB light must not go into the cat’s eyes.
This means that this technique is UNSUITED to treating ringworm on a cat’s face. And you see quite a lot of ringworm on cats’ faces. I stress, it would be unsuited to treat that ringworm because the UVB light would get into the cat’s eyes. Unless of course you might find a way of protecting the eyes but my gut feeling is that this would be too hazardous for the cat.
I stress, I am not a veterinarian. I believe that I am a sensible person making a good suggestion but there are certain difficulties as mentioned. I would suggest that this treatment is ideal for some ringworm which might be at the base of a cat’s tail where the fur can be parted successfully by the fingers of the left hand while the right hand holds the UVB light over the ringworm for a maximum of about 20 seconds at close range.
A further warning: this must be a very short dose of UVB light. It only requires seconds of treatment. Any more and you will create sunburn on the cat’s skin.
can we use the usb light device on the cats too? I have 5/6 months kitten with ringworms, she also gave it to me. I healed with sun exposure and sulfur baths but it is hard to treat the kitten cuz she is so playful. I used a sulfur medication on her given by the vet but it takes time to clear and she is still itchy. can we use the device on the kitten too? tia
No, I mean 30 seconds. It is long enough. It needs to be short otherwise it causes sunburn. But the device is very close to skin. The depth of the spikes on the device is the distance from the skin. Protect the eyes too (important). Thanks for commenting.
Thanks for sharing your discovery! It sure beats bathing the cat 2+ times a week. The UV device we got is the same pictured above, but 30 seconds of exposure is very small. Did you mean three 3 minute exposures? Thanks for clarifying this for me.
Good comment. I am pleased you discovered this elegant fix. My doctors never recommended it. Have they heard of it?
Thank you for posting this. Several years ago I got some sort of intensely itchy spots on my fingers, legs and arms. I guessed from what I read it was some fungus, perhaps ringworm. I tried many creams and ointments to no avail. I read about UVB and ordered a UVB light online for under $100. Like you it cleared up after a couple short exposures. Living in the USA a visit to the doctor would have cost much more than the cost of the light. We also have a couple of cats.
Great discovery and interesting that doctors haven’t been up front about it, maybe because if a patient uses it too much it could cause cancer. Good that you cautioned to use it sparingly. They are also reportedly used to treat acne. I bought a cat’s drinking fountain with one in it, but it’s hidden inside a tube where the water flows over it. I wonder though if it does penetrate the plastic. There seems to be various intensities of UV light bulbs where we can buy them, costing from a few dollars to over a hundred for medical grade. I’ll remember this treatment if/when I need it, or even if I see someone who does. Thanks Michael.