Cat Village

Dream on….the cat village in three pictures. These were inspired by Ruth’s (Kattaddorra) idea of creating a cat village. It is fun thinking about it, even though it will remain a dream. Although, I did have the idea of turning the concept into an internet community-style game. You know what I mean, one of those reality games where you adopt a persona or even become a cat ;).

The Entrance

The first picture is what the entrance to the cat village might look like; very classy and special and even a tourist attraction because it would be unique in the world and the first of its kind.

Cat Village
Photoshopped image by Michael at PoC. Original image by Supermac1961.


Inside, there would be paths, lots of wild nature, meadow-like areas and some roads (for deliveries) but no cars.  There would be parking outside the complex. The village would have zoned areas, one of which is called the “Calico Community”. These are the fiery, opinionated ailurophiles.

Cat Village
Photo by jonlclark. Photoshopped by Michael

The Ambiance

The ambiance is one of calm enhanced by the scent of honeysuckle with a whiff of catnip, both of which grow in copious quantities. Honeysuckle acts a bit like catnip and catnip is multipurpose. There is also matatabi, silvervine and valerian in large numbers. All of these make cats feel nice. If the cats feel nice so do the human inhabitants.


Catnip is a central feature in the cat village because not only is it fun for the cats, catnip tea can be bought at the café that is a part of the complex. Catnip tea is very good for people as it helps to keep the village harmonious despite the shenanigans of the calico community who like to get their own way on everything. You know what they say about calico cats.

Catnip growing wild
Top photo by ChageAUS and bottom photo by cygnus921

The chemical in catnip called nepetalactone produces a sedative-like affects in humans. It is good for insomnia and headaches and to calm the nerves before telling a visitor/tourist to move her car, please, as cars are out of bounds in the cat village.

One enlightened day, there just maybe something like a cat village. It would be popular. There would be an over-subscription from outsiders who wanted to live in the village. Of course there would because it would be so beautiful and harmonious.

Kattaddorra would be the chief vetting agent. Only the very best could get in. There would be weekly get-togethers in the village café on cat welfare and how to change the world. There would also be an onsite veterinarian serving the community and those outside it. Dream on…

Note: the photoshopped pictures show Beverly Hills, USA. They were the most suitable and available. It looks like a nice place.

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