Chester and George: Best Buddy Picture

A fuzzy, warmth inducing cat photo of Chester, the now famous cat who was rescued from being drowned in oil, and George a solid ginger tabby. Both are in the care of Marion who works for Cats Protection, Wear Valley & Darlington branch. Read about Chester if you like (the link, which opens a new window/tab, shows PoC search results for “Chester Cats Protection”).

George and Chester a rescued cat
Photo by Marion, Cats Protection

This is great cat buddy picture. There are many cat buddy photos on the internet. I have not seen a better one and I have seen a lot. Marion is a good photographer. Well done Marion.

You can see Chester’s fur is growing back nicely. Look at how confident he is and relaxed. A boss cat in the making, I reckon.

22 thoughts on “Chester and George: Best Buddy Picture”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Chester says:
    These 2 used to be my BFF but now they avoiding me cos I bite and pounce and bite and pounce. I am in charge and power feels good! Stay up there yer wimps. ..

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