Are vets too expensive?

Are vets too expensive?

by Michael

Is the cost of veterinary services hurting cats? Maggie Sharp thinks they are or at least she did think that. I know that people resist going to the vet with their sick cat until perhaps it is too late. Some cat caretakers tend to find alternative ways of dealing with a sick cat. This does not mean that they are necessarily bad cat caretakers. It might mean that they are bad or it might mean they are broke. A lot of people have home remedies and they wait and see.

I wonder how many cats die of a curable disease because the owners won’t go to the veterinarian for a specific illness or for a vaccination? There are no figures on this because no one is counting. There may be a mass slaughter going on out there that is equivalent to the slaughter of cats and cat shelters (2m per year and more at USA cat shelters).

From a cat health point of view, vets are too expensive based on the submissions on the cat health page. From a purely commercial point of view and the point of view of the veterinarian, vets are not too expensive.

The vet has to meet all his or her overheads and pay himself a decent wage. I am sure vets think they deserve a decent wage at the top end of all salaries as their training is long and the responsibilities and overheads are high.

The answer is pet insurance but pet insurance is just a way of spreading the risk while putting money into the pocket of big business at the same time. One big advantage of pet insurance is that cat caretakers will go to the vet at the first opportunity and even serious problems with low expectations of success and a poor prognosis get treated. Pet insurance is good for the cat because vets know they will get paid and they might charge at the maximum rate. Insurance claims are probably their major source of income.

There should be a state run veterinary service for people on low income who can prove that they are on low income or state benefits when they use the service. It would be a limited service and a public service to fill that gap which is people who cannot afford private veterinary service (which is all of them) and who keep cats and pets. Existing vets should participate or could elect to participate. In the UK this might not be practical as there are many people on some form of benefits (welfare in the USA). Does the USA run such a service already?

Below is a very short questionnaire if you would like to put on record your views as to whether vets are too expensive.

See results (started 18 Nov 2011)

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Are vets too expensive?

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Nov 19, 2011
by: Ruth

Yes vets charge far too much and I know from my days of working for them what a profit they make on drugs ! Some they get given free from reps.
The vets I worked for all retired at a young age so apparently had enough to live on until their state pension age.
Yes there are overheads of course and staff to pay, I think more expenses than ever now with all the tests and hospitalisation of clients pets and with trained vet nurses in uniform.
But some vets make it unaffordable for many people to go straight to them with a poorly animal. Sometimes it is just a passing ‘off day’ and the animal is OK again but sometimes it means treatment isn’t as effective or the cure takes longer because they waited too long.
Some people are of the opinion that anyone who can’t afford vet treatment for their pet should not have a pet. But it’s not that simple, as what about those people whose fortunes change, who didn’t expect to lose their job ?
We are lucky to have the PDSA in our country, a charity which has vets to treat poor peoples animals for free. But in our area the nearest one is about 30 miles away.
We personally have never had pet insurance, we put money away monthly specifically for our cats needs but I do know a lot of people who do take out insurances. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn’t, it’s the luck of the draw !
I feel for Animal Sanctuaries who struggle to feed the animals in their care and have to pay vets bills, I think most of us animal lovers would be happy to continue paying what we do if vets charged those places only the cost of the drugs and treatment.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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