By Elisa Black-Taylor

Blind cat Homer could possibly be the most famous cat alive today in the U.S. His human companion, Gwen Cooper, wrote a best seller detailing his life in “Homer’s Odyssey”, and her new book “Love Saves The Day” is set to be published in January 2013.
Homer, now 15, has been sick almost a week now. His vet did blood work on Homer last week. Based on the numbers on his tests, Homer should be dead. Yet Homer kept three vet clinic staff members from examining him until he could be sedated. Someone forgot to tell Homer he should be dead, because he still eating and playing and basically driving his mommy crazy as she attempts to disguise his medication in food. He’s a fighter and a survivor.
Homer is having some problems with his liver, as well as possibly colon/intestinal tract growths or possibly even cancer. Or it could be something else. His vet hasn’t made a firm diagnosis as of yet. The clinic wanted to keep Homer in order to better stabilize his condition. That’s impossible because Homer can’t stay sedated all the time, and sedated is the only way the staff can examine him.
So Gwen has Homer at home with liver medication in both tablet and liquid form. Homer is NOT amused at having to take his medicine. His super sensitive nose can sniff out even the tiniest bit of medication in his food.
Gwen has a blog on her website where the readers can keep up with Homer’s condition, as well as Gwen and her books. It’s at She speaks about his current condition saying
“I won’t keep him here one more second than he wants to be, but I’m not giving up on him either until he lets me know that he’s ready to go.”
Homer is a very special cat. He survived 9/11 living near the World Trade Center, where he was trapped alone for days waiting for Gwen to be able to return to him. Homer also attacked and scared off a burglar that broke into Gwen’s New York apartment.
Gwen adopted Homer fifteen years ago after her vet called and told her about a three week old eyeless abandoned kitten. She was told he’d never be like her other two cats. Homer would never play and he’d never develop a sense of independence.
Homer proved everyone wrong by growing into a little daredevil who befriended everyone he met. From what I’ve read, Homer only grew to about three pounds. But inside those three pounds is a great fighter.
Gwen is very hopeful Homer will overcome whatever is happening inside his body. He’s playing, as well as eating. Homer has even managed to “talk” Gwen into preparing him chicken. Then he demands more when his food bowl runs empty.
Let’s keep Homer and Gwen in our thoughts, along with the staff at the clinic treating Homer. Especially Gwen-we all know the cat caregiver has the tougher job when a cat companion is sick. Cats tend to handle illness far better than us humans.
Nice of you to visit and leave a comment. It is nice to hear from a younger person.
Sooooooooooooooo sad
I’m 11 years old and your book is so touching it made me cry I’m so sorry vashti and Scarlett passed away I hope homer gets better i love cats I have a 1 year old tabby named Starla who was going to live on a farm if know one took her I love her I love you and I love homer
This story brings to mind an adopted Ginger kitten we named Snuggles (4/1985) we had 2 adult cats, a rescued moody Tortie Panchita (spanish female slang for Frank)& Keke, a purebred Russian Blue with enormous almond shaped green eyes who absolutely adored as well as adopted the kitten.
Summer 1996 a friend was visiting & suddenly she asks “What’s wrong with Snuggles eyes, they’re huge”
I called our vet & was told to get Snuggles into clinic ASAP, we were there for about 3 hours. Then Dr Perkins says “We’re terribly sorry but Snuggles is becoming blind due to Glaucoma”
Hubby & I discussed it & decision was made NOT move anything so Snuggles wouldn’t hurt herself.
Surprising how well a cat compensates when they’re blind, Snuggles knew exactly where the cat door was, food/water, never had an accident but best part she was still an excellent hunter. When her vet inquired as to how Snuggles was doing & I told him she could hunt this was his reply “I guess for a blind cat, Snuggles is not doing too shabby, amazing”.
Our dear capable cat died @ 20 years old under her masters dining chair.Still miss her dearly.
Southeast Arizona (USA)
I’ve read about Homer’s incredible life, blind kitten that proved very adept @ catching flies in midair, gave the scare of a lifetime to a burglar that broke into Gwen’s apartment even chasing that burglar out to the street (let’s hope he comes back as a mouse, LOL). Homer is a very independent cat, exactly the opposite of what was expected from him.
need to remember that Homer is one classy cat.
My best wishes on dear Homer getting better.
Southeast Arizona (USA)