Deafness in cats – causes, diagnosis and management plus dog info. too

deaf white cat MIkey

This article covers the causes, the breeds most commonly concerned, diagnosis and management of deafness in cats (plus info on dog breeds predisposed to deafness). It is closely based on a research paper called: AETIOLOGY, PREVALENCE AND DIAGNOSIS OF DEAFNESS IN DOGS AND CATS by George M Strain published in this instance by Science …

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Hairless and eyeless cat Jasper from a horror movie

Jasper - a hairless and eyeless cat

This is Jasper who is both hairless and eyeless. He’s a Sphynx cat so that he is hairless for that reason and he lost his eyes to a feline herpesvirus infection. He lost his right eye first as it became ulcerated and had to be removed. Then five years later he lost his other …

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Cat runs like an ostrich

Cat runs like an ostrich

This super cute, two legged cat has compensated brilliantly. It is so impressive. I think she is female. Her back muscles have become incredibly strong to the point where she holds her body at various angles effortlessly. She then runs away from her sleepy bulldog companion like an ostrich. It is astonishing. Her balance …

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Woman’s ‘disability’ sparked an empathy for disabled cats

Margot and Zimes

Margot Tamar Riemer has cystic fibrosis. It is an inherited condition and she probably does not call it a disability. I have because there is a natural symmetry to Margot’s ‘disability’ and her empathy towards cats with disabilities. She is drawn to helping them. This is a positive that can be drawn from a …

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