How much blood do cats have?

Domestic cat has 12 ounces of blood

How much blood do cats have? I am referring to the domestic cat as this must be how the question should be interpreted. The body of a typical cat of around 12 pounds or 5 kilograms contains about 330 ml (millilitres) or 12 ounces of blood. To get a feel as to what this …

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What blood type are cats?

Cat blood donor

Domestic cats have blood types: A, B and AB. Most cats have blood type A. Blood type is is genetically inherited and depends on the geographic location of the cat. Type A is dominant and type B recessive (both parents would need to have type B). For example in Switzerland, almost all random bred …

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Cats: Blood Type Frequencies

“It is important that breeders and cat owners know the blood type of their cat” – Gloria Stephens in Legacy of the Cat. I have no idea what blood type my cat has but it is almost certainly type A. Blood transfusions have to be carried out with great care and must be of …

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