Will one female cat feed another one’s kittens?

Will one female cat feed another one's kittens? Yes if they are domestic cats.

I am writing about domestic cats. The reason for that is because not infrequently there’s more than one female cat available to share the responsibility of raising kittens. In the wild, it is far less likely that a female cat will encounter another and therefore what I describe below applies to domestic cats. RELATED: …

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Mycoplasma in cats (Feline Hemotrophic Mycoplasmosis)

Feline Hemotrophic Mycoplasmosis

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) Lilo day before death Froggie died at shelter Sugar died after Lilo I’d never heard of Mycoplasma in cats until a reader wrote in about this article and suggested mycoplasma as a cause of death (see: Help Sudden Kitten Death). So I decided to do a little research on the …

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13 facts about shock in cats

Cat panting is a possible sign of shock

What causes shock in cats? The answer is here plus more facts. The cause of shock in a domestic cat is insufficient blood flow and oxygen in the cat’s body to meet their needs. The reason why this might happen could be a number of events the most common of which are a cat …

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Can I take my cat’s blood pressure at home?

Taking a cat's blood pressure

Yes, you can take your cat’s blood pressure at home because you can buy a veterinary animal use blood pressure monitor on Amazon although, unsurprisingly, they are much more expensive than the incredibly cheap human versions. You can buy human blood pressure monitors for less than £20 (around $13 in America) but they’re going …

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