Declawing Cats Should Be Outlawed

Declawing Cats Should Be Outlawed

by Michele Duval Lane
(Port Hope, ON Canada)

Healthy cat's claws - impressive aren't they? Photo added by Michael (Admin)

Healthy cat's claws - impressive aren't they? Photo added by Michael (Admin)

I live in Canada where the practice of declawing cats is prevalent. Prior to 2007, I also lived in France for 23 years where declawing is outlawed. Needless to say I was and still am outraged that the practice is still going on here in Canada!

I congratulate you for having the courage to speak out. And I approve of what you do 100%.

I run a small cat boarding facility in Ontario and try my best to educate my clients as much as possible about what declawing really does to a cat.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

Michele Duval Lane
The Lane Cattery
Port Hope, ON

Hi Michele... Thank you for coming by and supporting us here. I am sad to hear that declawing takes place in Canada on the same level (it seems) as in the USA.

It is hard to understand why North America has it so wrong. A sophisticated society that has simply failed to grasp that it is morally wrong to declaw cats.

Take care and come back, please.

Michael Avatar

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Declawing Cats Should Be Outlawed

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Jan 31, 2010 Yes declawing should be outlawed
by: Ruth

I love that photo of those wonderful claws !
You are right Michele ! I expect as you come onto Michael's pages that you've probably already signed and passed on our petition:
as hopefully, if declawing is banned in the USA, then Canada will follow.
I'm only sorry that when I set up this one I didn't know it was happening in Canada too or I'd have set up two.
It is a lot of work educating people to the truth of declawing and finding new places to ask for signatures and at one point we were more or less told it was a waste of time, but apparently the Paw Project used it to help get the bans in some Californian cities.
A few people in Canada have said they would set up a petition for your country but nothing came of it even though we offered to help spread it around. I just don't have the time now to start another and give it the attention it would need.
It sounds like you are doing a good job educating people who come to your cattery !
p>Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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