by Ruth

Poster by RuthClaws are a wonderful and essential part of each and every cat.
When a cat is relaxed, walking, or playing gently, each claw is retracted into a sheath. He unsheaths his claws when he needs them by extending them forward and down.
Claws just like human fingernails, are constantly growing. They have a protective outer husk that the cat removes on his scratching post.
Claws have many uses. Not only are they for self defence, they are also for when the cat needs to jump or climb, they mark his territory and they act as his comb when he grooms himself.
He digs them in to exercise his muscles and that is very important to his health.
Claws are so closely adhered to the bone that declawing means the last bone of each of the cat’s toes has to be removed.
Declawing is actually amputation ten times over.
Look at the perfectly shaped paw of the clawed cat in the poster and compare it with the deformed shape of the paw of the declawed cat.
Look at the perfectly fingered hand of the human and compare it with the deformed hand of the defingered human
No human doctor would unnecessarily amputate a person’s finger ends so why do veterinary doctors routinely amputate cat’s finger ends ?
Why would any true lover of cats want to pay a vet to perform this painful major surgery which disables their pet for life and often has physical or mental complications for the cat ?
Cats are very intelligent and with a little bit of time and patience it is very easy to teach each and every one to use a scratching post.
The result is a happy healthy cat using and enjoying the claws he was born with because he needs and which no one has the right to take from him unless they are prepared to undergo the same surgery themselves.