A letter written to the editor of The Maui News concerning the disposal of community cats at a condo reflects a growing problem that involve businesses either taking cats off and dumping them or possibly even killing them.

Mary J. Linke of Centennial, Colorado tells the heartwarming story that began twenty years ago when she and her husband rented a condo in Wailea. They fell in love with an abandoned litter of kittens and had the foresight to contact a local instead of an animal shelter. The kittens were friendly so an animal lover and a delivery person in the area took the kittens into foster care. It’s believed the mama cat had been poisoned.
Best Friends Animal Society informed Mary that Maui had come a long way in protecting cats through a trap-neuter-return program. Last year the couple returned to a condo in the same complex and soon fell in love with five community cats. When they returned this year they were told the cats had been ‘disposed of.’
In her letter to the editor Mary stated
“Apparently the management and board of the condo felt they were at fault for decreasing the bird population. Yes, cats do occasionally kill birds, but that is they way nature works. I guess the condo forgot they kill mice and rodents also. We love all animals, including birds, but to dispose of these cats was totally cruel and unnecessary.”
Unfortunately, this has become the norm with companies ranging from condos to churches to ‘big box’ stores. Whether community and feral cats are being cared for in the city or in rural areas, cats are being removed and most likely killed or left to fend for themselves.
I’m curious. Very curious. If you know of a business who has illegally done away with cats (cats MUST be turned over to a shelter or rescue or it’s most likely animal abandonment/animal cruelty. Even professional trappers are held to this) please tell your story in the comment section below.
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Wal Mart stores across the country are examples of this. The list is long of all shopping centers. Again, instead of the government doing their job to lead what they set laws in place for, they just ignore and support the suffering. animals paying the price for human failure is just sickening. The world would be alot better off with less humans. However, it will one day return to the original creation and be nothing again but a home for the animals.
I hope to be there when you go to hell!
I know of thousands of businesses and individuals that kill any free-roaming cat that they see, collared or not. But we don’t tell online cat-crazies, those who are trying to destroy all other lives on earth human and animal included, just to save their vermin cats. Haven’t you destroyed enough human lives and native wildlife with your vigilante online cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying? Everyone is onto you useless cat-cunts now. And none too soon. LOL 🙂 See cat kill cat. It’s the new way to deal with the problem that YOU CREATED AND PERPETUATE! It’s YOUR FAULT NOW!
We have a saying, “This dead cat is JUST for Elisa!” just to make up for how many lives you have intentionally destroyed with your misguided stupidity and lack of having any real life or anyone who wants you. LOL