Does my cat really love me? Answer in an infographic.

This type of infographic can take many forms. Whether a cat loves their caregiver or not is a wide-open question; somewhat philosophical actually because the concept of ‘love’ itself means different things to different people. Here is my attempt at answering the question. Of course, being a cat lover (and animal lover) it would be impossible for me to deny cat companions the ability to have deeply affectionate relationships with their caregivers.

But it is logical. Ask a million good cat owners in America if their cat loves them and 999,000 would probably say yes. A deep affection between cat caregiver and domestic cat is the foundation of the relationship. It is what sticks it together and the reason why they nearly always regard their cats as members of the family on a par with the humans.

Does my cat really love me? by Michael Broad

More: Are male cats more affectionate with humans and other cats than females?

Times have radically changed from 100 years ago when almost all domestic cats were indoor/outdoor cats with many spending most of their time outside. The concept of animal sentience was rarely recognised and discussed. Some vets thought cats could not feel pain. Some people today think animals can’t experience pain never mind the emotion of affection.

Remember those days when it was normal to ‘put the cat out at night’ so the owners could get a good night’s sleep? Nowadays many owners allows their cat to sleep on the bed with them as I do. You get used to it. 💕👍

You have noticed that I have always referred to ‘good cat caregivers’ for the obvious reason that bad cat caregivers will not be loved by their cat as their cat will probably be scared! Anxiety is a love-killer. A cat can’t be affectionate if this emotion is drowned out by anxiety or even fear.

People who dislike cats will often argue that cats don’t have the capacity to experience deep affection but then a lot of these people don’t really understand the sentience of domestic cats. Often, they hate cats due to their fear of cats! Yes, they have weapons and are predators. A lot of people don’t like that.

You can only facilitate a cat desire to express affection for their owner when the environment is conducive to it. That means a secure, emotionally warm home that is calm and stable in terms of human relationships. You have to tease out the good side of a cat’s sentience.

More: Can a cat be too affectionate?

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