Dog and Cat in Love with Each Other

by Michael

At Christmas (2011) it is nice to see animals of different species expressing their love for each other at a time when we as humans (same species) should do the same thing.

There are lots of examples of this so it’s not hard to find videos like this. It’s charming.

I hope you like it as much as me.

I think the cat’s name is Lady and the dogs name is Stimpson.

This is the YouTube URL:


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Dog and Cat in Love with Each Other

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Dec 25, 2011
by: Michael

I actually saw the video with music and no voice over and did not check this version when I embedded it on the page. I see now that Lady is probably the dog. It works better with music – of course!

Dec 25, 2011
Make love not war
by: Barbara

Animals could teach us a heck of a lot if we would only listen!
Poor Stimpson looked bereft when Lady decided she was sick of the game and walked away, lovely little video.

Barbara avatar

1 thought on “Dog and Cat in Love with Each Other”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. The video has be changed to “private” for some strange reason. That is why there is no direct link to the video and also why the video no longer plays – sorry.

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