Ed Sheeran’s sprawling property empire in Framlingham lends itself perfectly to a large cat enclosure using ProtectaPet. I’d strongly recommend this because of these reasons:
- He loves cats and had three,
- He now has two cats because Graham, a rescue tabby who he loved dearly, was recently killed on the road and,
- He has a huge estate containing several houses and properties of various kinds together with a lot of land on which he could build a large cat enclosure to confine his cats while giving them the space in which to express their natural desires.

When a cat lover and owner has the financial resources that Ed Sheeran has and the estate size that he enjoys there is no barrier to creating a really beautiful cat enclosure full of fun and entertainment for his cats while keeping them safe from dangers outside the estate.
This is not a criticism of Ed Sheeran. The fact that he loves cats is admirable. He might not be aware of the concept of large enclosures and cat confinement.
Domestic cats have a natural home range in the UK of around an acre. It might be more but a large enclosure could be an acre or more in size in Ed Sheeran’s case because if push comes to shove he could just purchase some more land adjoining his estate. He has already bought up neighbouring properties as the picture on this page attests.
So, there it is. My message to Mr Ed Sheeran: if you want to avoid the distress of knowing that your beloved cat was killed on the road or harmed in any way while wandering freely around your estate, think about a beautiful, well designed cat confinement fence as made by ProtectaPet. It’ll bring peace of mind especially as you are away a lot of the time touring and someone else looks after the cats. You can relax more and not be concerned about their wellbeing firm in the knowledge that they can’t wander into danger.
Note: this is not an advert! I just think that they make a good product and I have first hand experience of it.
P.S. I am sure that millions of Americans who have cats and like Ed’s work are horrified that he lets his cats wander onto roads. In his case there is no need for it.
P.P.S. In the UK the default position regarding cat ownership is to let them wander freely. I disagree with it but understand the thinking behind it. It depends on the individual circumstances in terms of funds available, the cat’s character, the space available and the dangers of roads in the area.