Egyptian Mau Cat Spanking

Egyptian Mau Cat Spanking

by d100965

I have 2 Egyptian Maus and I love videoing their antics. They take showers, get vacuumed and run on the treadmill.

Plus they both love what those that know call "Cat spanking" or "Cat bongo-ing".

Check out my videos by typing d100965 into youtubes searchbox or search for:- Tia Treadmill, Tia Vacuum, Tia Shower, Tia Bongo or Bailey Bongo.

Here is an example, (I promise I won't delete the video!):

Hope you find this interesting..

d100965 (my YouTube username)

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Egyptian Mau Cat Spanking

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May 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

I knew a person that thought his cat liked this kind of harsher treatment too. He broke two vertebra in the cat`s back and it had to be put down. He never complained or was hurt before, the owner said. Sad.
Maybe some cats are into pain like some people. I would never do this to any cat. Some have a hyper sensitivity and interrupt pain as pleasure.

Nov 26, 2010
Loving CATs!!!
by: venaica

I have been through the whole content of this blog which is very informative and knowledgeable stuff, So i would like to visit again.

Aug 23, 2010
by: kathy

Im a little behind on reading the pages because I dont have my own computer. Very interesting. My cat Lia also loves his back bongoed but not with the intesity that your cat does. I do it gently because of his age-13. He loves back scratches and so does our little Savannah.

Jul 06, 2010
by: Michael

I have been asked to add another one of Tia - I chose the one where Tia enjoys being vacuumed:

Jul 05, 2010
It does look bizarre!
by: Tracey (England)

It does look bizarre however at the same time Tia seems to enjoy it!

When I saw it I said to my husband 'have a look at this; its a new slant on a Benji massage!' I say this because we used to have a cat that loved a really rough massage; he would even adopt the position (forelegs down and bum and tail in the air)and we would massage him really quickly from his head to the end of his tail and he would love it!! Oh happy days; we do miss him God rest his little soul.

But I did enjoy you video thanks so much.

Jul 03, 2010
Deep Tissue Massage
by: Joyce Sammons

Maybe its like those deep tissue massages when the body is literally tortured to ease sore muscles. Your cat obviously likes it or would run away or bite the crap out of you.

Jul 03, 2010
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Forgot to fill in my name. Sorry, didn't mean to be anonymous.
Michael, can't something be done to prevent this from happening - like a box saying 'Are you sure you don't want to add your name or a posting nym?'. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Jul 03, 2010
The other videos
by: Anonymous

Hi d100965. I've already mentioned how I enjoyed 'Tia Vacuum', but 'Bailey Spider' at is great too. At first I actually thought that growling sound was your voice... 😉

Jul 02, 2010
Response to author
by: Michael

Hi, I just chose this video randomly. I'll add another if you like. But please leave them on YouTube indefinitely. Sometimes videos get removed from YouTube and that leaves a black screen on my site!

You can actually add videos yourself. The max. width should be 480 px so the embed code may need adjusting (there are 4 numbers to adjust).

Thanks for the post again. I thought it might get a few comments! I modified the title for that reason.

Michael Avatar

Jul 01, 2010
by: Lenore

That looked really weird. I mean they're your cats and that's your relationship with them. They obviously like it, but I would NEVER consider drumming on my 2 siamese that way...the whole thing was just bizarre.

Jul 01, 2010
by: Lenore

That looked really weird. I mean they're your cats and that's your relationship with them. They obviously like it, but I would NEVER consider drumming on my 2 siamese that way...the whole thing was just bizarre.

Jul 01, 2010
Egyptian Mau Videos
by: d100965

Michael at POC,
Thanks for adding this, I was kinda hoping the other videos would be of more interest, ie. The showering, hoovering and the treadmill. However most people do seem to find the Cat spanking quite bizarre! Please let me assure you that it looks worse than it actually is. It sounds and looks a lot harder but actually I'm quite good at it as they almost demand it every day. Therefore I can deliver a good drumming but actually it's all in the fingertips so is not anywhere near as hard as it looks! My other Mau, a boy also loves this and I'm in the process of making a new video of him as he is much more docile Cat and meows louder in order to receive his bongo-ing! Thanks for showing this as I feel all my vids show off the great personalities of Mau's very well indeed. Thanks again and I do very much enjoy your informative website POC. Regards d100965 (YouTube profile).

Jul 01, 2010
Egyptian Mau cat spanking.
by: Rudolph.A.furtado

Bizarre, something i am seeing for the first time, thanks to your video and the power of the "Internet". Strangely, your cat seems to be enjoying it, repeatedly climbing back onto the "horse-back" for some more "drumming". Its really a strange world, even with cats!

Rudolph avatar

Jul 01, 2010
Children - don't do this...
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi d100965. I like this video, although I hope it does not give somebody the idea that it can be performed with just any cat - hence the warning. Your Mau however obviously enjoys the playing as she jumps back up for more.
For those worried I think it should be stressed that fingertip drumming is not about hitting hard, but actually has to be very controlled in order to get the rhythm flowing. I reckon it sounds a lot harder than it actually is.
I also enjoyed your other videos a lot.You have some beautiful and very playful cats, and I've never seen a cat enjoying vacuum cleaned before. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Jul 01, 2010
by: Michael

Hi, thanks for visiting. I find this interesting. I think some of our regulars might disapprove, though, as it seems a bit strong. But then your cat loves it. However, it may be that your cat has simply got used to it and likes the contact as it is a form of licking (albeit very strong and highly artificial) - mimicking the mother licking her young.

Michael Avatar

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