‘Exotic big cats for sale’ – an enforced worldwide ban is needed

People shouldn’t be searching for ‘exotic big cats for sale’ because it encourages and keeps in business exotic big cat breeders and these breeders should not exist in my considered view. It also devalues and demeans the big cats, iconic species and animal totems, which have been worshipped in some cultures for eons. They should at least be respected if not worshipped. They should not be treated as inanimate objects to be traded for commercial profit. The “exotic big cats for sale” banner completely undermines what is needed, namely respect for them and a renewed focus on conservation and the protection of their habitat.

Lion cubs for sale
Lion cubs for sale. The man ships internationally with a 2-5 day express delivery service!!

Back in the day, people used to search for ‘exotic big cats for sale’ on the Internet. That concept is faintly dying I would argue thanks to campaigners such as Carole Baskin, the founder and director of Big Cat Rescue (BCR) in Florida whose personal profile surged upwards after the Netflix series and documentary “Tiger King”.

She argues that she was mis-portrayed in that series being compared inaccurately with the notorious Joe Exotic. Notwithstanding that, I think the series did her good because it highlighted her campaign. She is a great ambassador who has consistently campaigned against the abuse of big cats and other wild cat species in private zoos. She has also campaigned against high filial wildcat hybrids. She is pushing for a new federal law which you can read about by clicking the link below.

RELATED: Carole Baskin is campaigning for the Big Cat Public Safety Act

Breeding big cats for individuals with more money than sense and with little respect for animals is immoral and plain wrong. What these people (the breeder/sellers and individual buyers) should be doing if they want to be involved in big cats and be near them is to act on behalf of the endangered wild big cat. That is were more commitment and energy is required.

RELATED: Tigers for sale – 2022 – it needs to be banned

There are more “big cat pets” in big cat fetish America than there are left in the wild. An estimated 3,500 tigers remain in the wild, worldwide (yes, an appallingly low number and getting lower despite the high-profile IUCN Red List and CITES etc etc.). About 20,000 lions are left in the wild – a drop of 90% over the past 100 years. There are 12,000 big cats kept as pets in America. There are 4,000 of these in Texas alone. There have been 32 people killed and 574 people injured by big cats in the United States since 2004.

RELATED: Large Exotic Cats For Sale

A lot of people want exotic cats, big cat cubs; God how cute they are! But when they grow up in the back yard of some irresponsible “owner” they are dumped in a shopping mall. Great going guys. Or, if the abandoned big cat is lucky, it finds its way to the former home of Tippi Hedren (she has passed), the attractive and steely blond from the Hitchcock movies who has a sanctuary for homeless big cats at Shambala in California, north of Los Angeles.

And in providing this invaluable service she received death threats from the rich exotic big cat breeders, whose sole purpose is to use and abuse our most beautiful creatures for a buck, of course. Because of these death threats her daughter, Melanie Griffith and Melanie’s husband Antonio Banderas wanted Tippi to move to Los Angeles to be close to them and safer. Carole Baskin is despised by the big cat abusers like Joe Exotic who as you know was jailed for 22 years for plotting to kill her.

Patrick the lion at Tippi Hedren's sanctuary
Patrick the lion at Tippi Hedren’s sanctuary. Photo by seanmonkey.

This was Patrick, a lion/tiger cross and very large because of it. I guess at one time he was one of the exotic big cats for sale. His enclosure abutted Tippi Hedren’s home. He liked to talk at night, which kept Tippi Hedren awake sometimes

The business of breeding privately (outside of zoos) and selling to individuals is worth $100 million per annum (about £70 million pounds) in the USA (as at 2009). It is big business and apparently worth killing for. And killing is something these guys specialize in, the canned killing of beautiful big cats is something they organize as well. These are called “canned hunts”. And I know it is almost unimaginable but people actually pay up to $50,000 (£35,000) to shoot a tranquillized tiger in an enclosure so that they can go home with the animal’s head and skin and proudly declare to the family, “look what I hunted today honey…aren’t I brave”. Tigers and cubs can be purchased for as little as $500 at car boot sales, apparently (can that be correct?). This is carelessness beyond imagination, yet in some States in the USA, it is easier to keep big cats than a dog, for which a licence is required. It is also worth mentioning that there have been no successful reintroductions to the wild in Africa of big cats bred privately (or otherwise) in America.

OK, for me, people like the former Tippi Hedren did a wonderful job. I praised and admired her for her great work. All those people looking for exotic big cats for sale; I ask you to change course now. Turn away from your baser desires to possess and own a fantastic animal in the same way you want to possess a fancy car. Buy another car instead but please do not treat animals as inanimate objects. Let’s try and be more altruistic and thoughtful about this, please, I implore you.

As at 2022, there are still people selling big cats online (e.g., exoticwildcats.com). There is one notorious person who I think is based in South Africa or perhaps Asia but who ships internationally to America and Canada, who sells tiger and lion cubs and other exotic animals. He has Asian leopard cats for sale and black panther ‘pets for sale’ as well. It’s a very long list. He promises to vaccinate and do all the usual things to encourage a sale. Some example prices are:

  • Asian leopard cat-US$1850
  • ‘Pet’ jaguar-US$2500
  • Snow Leopard-US$1500
  • Cheetah-US$1500
  • Lion-$2350
  • Tigers-$2000
  • Black Panther $1450
  • Lion cubs $1450
  • Baby cheetah-$1200

These are just examples. They give you an idea as to the price of these precious creatures. He doesn’t provide an address but you fill in a contact form. They say that they comply with the state laws of the countries they ship their cats and other animals too. They say that shipping will take 2-5 days on express delivery depending upon where the client is located and the animal concerned. They provide a full 100% refund if you are unsatisfied with the service and “our babies”. Then go on to state: “Get an exotic pet animal today!!”

A complete disregard for conservation, morality, integrity, trying to protect the planet and in trying to share the planet with other species. This person is concerned with one thing: making money and the way he talks about his products they could be anything from refrigerators to televisions to motor vehicles.

Baby cheetah for sale
Baby cheetah for sale online. Screenshot (2022).

There is another exotic animals website (exoticanimalsforsale.net). They act as an agency. Visitors can upload their details and the animals that they have for sale to this website. They are intermediary between seller and buyer. They have on the website and Asian leopard cat at US$4,000. The seller is based in Ukraine. Asian leopard cats are highly unsuited to being pets. They are very independent and no matter how domesticated they are it simply does not work out. I’ve done quite a lot of research on that topic.

They also have servals for sale. One serval is priced at $12,500? They don’t state the currency. The cat is currently in South Africa. Of course, these are not big cats but they are ‘exotic pets’ so-called. They are not pets and once they’ve sprayed urine all around your house and clawed you a few times neither are they exotic. That is why they are for sale on this agency. Somebody has given them up. There is quite a good turnover in exotic cats because people quickly find out that owning something beautiful is not the same as caring and maintaining a wild cat.

9 thoughts on “‘Exotic big cats for sale’ – an enforced worldwide ban is needed”

  1. Thank you. I should’ve added that I have the appropriate permits & allowed to own at my approved facility. However, Cougars have been most difficult to find. Thanks

  2. Your comment has been published, Chris. Although I disapprove of any sort of trade in wild cat species. Think about stopping.

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