Frequency of cleaning clothes as a cat owner. Infographic.

This is about questioning one’s routines that are often accepted as written in tablets of stone but which in a changing world can be outdated or plain wrong. There is often room for improvement in applying common sense and logic.

This is an interesting topic but hardly ever discussed. It is not strictly relevant to cat owners as they are like anyone else with some exceptions! Beds come to mind. Cats like human beds. Mine likes to come under the duvet. He is an indoor/outdoor cat. I am a tidy and clean person. See the problem? 😎😻😢. This, then, is about bed clothes as much as human clothes. I have not mentioned clothes for cats as I disagree with them unless for health reasons.

I vacuum my bed using a normal vacuum cleaner in the usual way from time to time as my cat leaves hairs all over it and the occasional bit of dirt and twig! He’s worth it.

The other information comes from France as stated at the base of the infographic. The French don’t like to be lectured by a very expensive agency costing 4.2 billion euros annually with dubious reasons for its existence.

However, the topic of how often one wears certain items of clothing before washing them is an interesting one I believe. It is one I question myself over sometimes. In winter for example it seems to be silly to change one’s vest every day when you don’t sweat if you don’t participate in physical activities. The same by the way goes for showering oneself.

There is an argument that in the cold months we don’t need to shower daily as it is bad for health as it washes off the skin’s biome. We are covered in useful bacteria in the same way our stomachs are full of useful bacteria too. We need to protect it. Sounds gruesome but it is true.

Our skin is naturally covered in a diverse community of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, collectively known as the “skin microbiome” which is essentially a living ecosystem on our body’s largest organ – our skin. – Google Gemini.

I suspect that dog owners have to clean everything far more often!! Especially in the muddy winter months. Unless you live in California. But I guess California gets muddy sometimes. 😎

More: cat caregiving

This is an ideal topic for sharing one’s personal views! Please comment. What is your personal MO on cleaning clothes?

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