How an unpleasant owner affects a cat’s mentality. Infographic.

It is quite easy to become a poor cat caregiver 😢. You transfer the stresses of life’s vicissitudes onto your cat. It is understandable as for humans things are getting more stressful in general nowadays (March 2025). It is easy to bring home one’s anxieties and stress-induced behavioural problems. It is harder to hide …

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Frequency of cleaning clothes as a cat owner. Infographic.

This is about questioning one’s routines that are often accepted as written in tablets of stone but which in a changing world can be outdated or plain wrong. There is often room for improvement in applying common sense and logic. This is an interesting topic but hardly ever discussed. It is not strictly relevant …

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Ready to de-clutter your wardrobe? Ready to get rid of your cat? Use Vinted!

Zara McDermott distraught at the advert on Vinted selling a tortie cat for 130 pounds

NEWS AND OPINION: Vinted is an app-based website through which you can de-clutter your wardrobe and get rid of those clothes you no longer want. In the modern world, clothes have quite a short lifespan. In the old days, days gone by, we kept clothes until they wore out and then we repaired them! …

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Considering getting a cat as a university student

University student with her cat companion at university

Considering getting a cat as a university student is a big decision. There are probably four negatives to the desire to get a cat when a university student: money, time, accommodation and landlords. The positives are very apparent: emotional support and an improved feeling of wellbeing. I am told that 75% of students who …

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